CASTEL DEL MONTE, a rocky model.

PC work is almost done!
Here is the main entrance gate:

The real

main gate.png
and mine...

Screenshot 2016-02-29 15.17.11.png
with gate details.

I realize only now, with some disappointment, that the proportions of the whole wall is not correct. Perhaps it's due to the thickness of brick layers (the two areas on the sides will be occupied by the towers) the fact is that the wall is more slim of the real one and the gate, to fit in, has to be stretched in vertical direction (see above images).
Anyway I cannot redesign all the main structure of the castle. I don't have the 3D skills needed to perform this task. Really is wall thickness to be greatly out of scale, correcting this would be a very complex task. So I'll limit myself to operate in the 2D field and redraw the sigle faces without altering the 3D model. I think (and I hope) that the difference, once completed, won't be so much evident.

And so...
Screenshot 2016-02-28 19.43.38.png Screenshot 2016-02-29 07.39.44.png Screenshot 2016-02-29 07.43.51.png
here are 6 of the 8 outer walls ready for the bricks. Please note, on the last wall, I placed the rear gate that was completely ignored by model designers.

Now I start thinking about making windows masters...
Looks great! Z, you live in some beautiful country. I also live down off a dead-end road. I just wish it was farther from civilization, or more hidden.
Tonino, so glad to see you back at this. Knowing the quality of your work, it looks like we are in for a treat!! ;)
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Time to start building something here...

I'll begin with the inner court windows. As there are 3 of them, all identical, I'll realize a master and, then, some resin copies from it.

The real window is this (just to recall).
I'll proceed as for a cardmodel, dividing the shape in layers...
parti finestra dentro.jpg
Here are the cardboard pieces with a plastic stick to realize the little columns

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The window complete.

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And after a coat of grey primer to seal all the layers.
Now I'm ready to take a cast from my master.
Great explanation. I feel like I just got a great doctor's visit and his prognosis was GREAT!! Your explanation of what you are doing, the thought process is wonderful. Thank you for your thoroughness. I hope that you can finish this and that Jerk Administrator doesn't steer you away from it, though a scaled down Balilla in front of it would give it scale, for visually grasping the immensity of the project you have undertaken, of this fascinating structure. :)
I hope that you can finish this and that Jerk Administrator doesn't steer you away from it, though a scaled down Balilla in front of it would give it scale ...

Nice idea you had... why not?

Meanwhile let's go on with the walls, no, the windows first...

Here is my silicon cast after 24h of hardening time....
The little master lays inside.

Some scalpel touches...

...and the cast is ready for the resin.

Resin hardens faster, around 1 hour is enough to take out the piece...

...and here is my first window clone!
These casting techniques (including the remote control) are excellent. We truly can make so much with our own hands. This will be a superb castle!!
Slowly, one step at a time, the build goes on...

Now is the turn of the inner court south gate.

This is the original.

I divided the volume in layers as for the window and traced all the parts in CorelDraw
portone sud dentro.jpg

The pieces already cut in cardboard of various thickness

A little sanding on the edge to simulate the rounded border

and, for the fret, a fast look in the "remains box".
An old missile launcher is very good for the purpose.

and this is the completed "sandwich"
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With a little coat of spray filler I obtained that rugged look that is perfect to simulate the stone.
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This is really going to be quite magnificent!! :)
The last of the inner gates is on the NW wall.

The original:
portale interno NO.jpg

Like for the last one I took the photo and traced the outline of the shapes trying to imagine how layers are to be placed one after the other.

This is the result:
portone NOdentro.jpg
And the resulting pieces
once assembled they look fine:

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Note the little column on the left side only: the other one is missing in the real gate (see photo above)

And after the grey primer the gate have its "rocky" look:
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Now that gates and windows are done (at least for the inner walls) I must take the bricks out of the box: the hard work is going to start ;)
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I can see this taking a very long time, and well worth it!!. It will last generations!! ;)
Looks great! Z, you live in some beautiful country. I also live down off a dead-end road. I just wish it was farther from civilization, or more hidden.

Thanks Kjev! :)
Tonino, you are truly working at a level of excellence that I envy, in a good way, I admire your work so much. The words fail me. You are an artist with people, and with objects. You see the magnificent beauty which makes you an inspiration. ;)
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