Bus Lovers Unite (those infected with the fetish join in too)


Active Member
Mar 5, 2007
For those of you in HO scale with any sort of city, you need some buses to serve citizens along with the trains. In recent years the number of good bus models in this scale has exploded. I'll show some from my collection to start things off.
1 - 1-2 deck side view rs.jpg

Here are a pair of 1-1/2 deck units, a Mercedes Benz one on top and a Bussing unit on the bottom. Not much difference until you see the fronts.
1 - 1-2 deck front closeup rs.jpg
Mercedes on the left, the Bussing on the right. Here is a blank outline of a Gillig Advantage you fill in with you own paint scheme.
Lots of sites with buses that I'll post eventually. More later on, Swamp Daddy
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Those are some awesome buses. I'd love to convert a real one into a motor home!! :)
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Yep, those 1-1/2 deck buses would make an awesome motor home with an "upstairs" master bedroom. ;). Here are some of the better and more expensive models I bought a few decades back when I was still working and pulling down the big bucks; I'll never confess what I paid for these beauties.:violin::( First up is the Car Rouge or Red Car in English, a double deck long range unit with a two axle luggage trailer. Bought this one primarily for it's wonderful colors including metallic lavender, pink, carmine and some silver.
megalinerbus 001 crs.jpg
Passing the same AHM storefront buildings are a pair of 4-axle, double-deck Megaliners (all three buses by Rietze). To the right is a unit for the Berlin-Frankfurt Express Company and the one on the left is lettered for the Kipferel’s Risen. HO scale paper models of the "Megaliners" are available done by anime artist Sailor Moon (anime figures). I think the website is gone but as I recall the link to the bus drawings is there. Try googling it; I'll find the link eventually and post it here. megalinerbus 002 crs.jpg
Lots and lots more at some future point.

And, here is a megasite for US paper bus models

Add more buses to your diorama, Swamp Daddy
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I like the car carrier trailer on that bus. i have though of making a trailer like that to carry my motorcycle, and my 1973 MG Midget, being able to ride them around once we reach a destination. :)
Very cool list Gandolf!! ;)
Great site for all your Bus Fetish Needs
Zil Trucks Cars and Buses 1916-Now
The best ZIL car is the 111G model copying the general look of a 1956 Packard. The ZIL luxury cars generally copied american prototypes until the late 80's now looking like some European luxury cars. A ZIL (Packard clone) is available in HO scale but too rich for my limited retirement budget right now.

Model more Packards, Swamp Daddy ;)
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For a nice youTube video of vehicles on the Faller Car System check this one out:
It's using the latest version with infrared digital control (and I ain't even got my analog version working). the speed of progress. Nice articulated bus in this video.
Use the FCS to add animation to your diorama, Swamp Daddy

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Swampdaddy, you can embed YouTube videos by copying the "Share" code, and pasting it into the filmstrip dialog box the opens up when you click on the "Filmstrip" icon in your posting box. I did it for you so you could see.

I could see the "Faller Car System" as a alternative/parallel/combined to the train hobby in itself, with some trains around, but Jeez, you could build a city with this, and there are 100's of paper buildings and houses available, lots of skyscrapers too! :)
I Like the Zis 101, as well as the Gaz A-Zero 1934 and GAZ M-20 Pobeda Sport (1950)...
Swampdaddy, you can embed YouTube videos by copying the "Share" code, and pasting it into the filmstrip dialog box the opens up when you click on the "Filmstrip" icon in your posting box. I did it for you so you could see.

I could see the "Faller Car System" as a alternative/parallel/combined to the train hobby in itself, with some trains around, but Jeez, you could build a city with this, and there are 100's of paper buildings and houses available, lots of skyscrapers too! :)

Zathros: Actually I accidentally embedded it when I put the actual link in and posted. But, not being sure about bandwidth use and rules about it, I took the direct link out and put in the tiny URL. So much out there to enjoy. The cost of model trains has gotten almost out of sight recently. And, Faller Car System vehicles are pretty dear too. The layout that guy has as an experiment is in the $1,200 range already just with vehicles. The Germans have developed chips for buses and other FCS vehicles that allow you to turn off and on lights, turn signals, stop signals, etc. Quite a hobby in itself like DCC is for trains but via radio control. I can hardly keep up with reading about the changes much less purchase the equipment, etc.

Animate your dioramas, Swamp Daddy :wave:
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I enjoy watching that, but when I get near the "$1000's" dollar mark, my real cars get that money. I have restored the engine on my '73 Midget, put in new floors, and have an almost new transmission. This is a 100+ mph MG Midget (stock could barely do 75 mph) and the engine is race spec built, I did it myself.. I just have to do some welding of the door "A" pillars, but my houses roof comes first, so I can barely post in this forum, let alone spend that kind of money on a hobby. :)
The real world is always sort of a damper on hobbies; but, it keeps us focused on the other important things in life. And, Zathros, you are right about cars. I have a pair of 60's Mustangs slowly rusting away because of being a bit short of funds and also laziness has set in. Lots of labor needed. ;) Maybe one day I'll get started on them. Need floor boards in one plus frame rails. You may need to come here and do some welding on them. :animated: I sure rode them hard and put them up wet most of the time. And, part of the laziness comes from the fact those 60's Mustangs are rather hard riders and I may be too old for the horsepower too.

Rebuild more classic cars, Swamp Daddy :cool:
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I have lots of links to paper bus threads and here is a biggie on the Canadian Public Transit Discussion Board (long name, good site):
There are downloadable paper buses scattered among the 300 pages of this thread plus comments and requests for them. Lots of other stuff on this site in other threads. Some more bus photos later on when I unpack some boxes.

Make more paper models, Swamp Daddy :wave:
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Here is a site with more paper buses, links to each model by clicking the photo. I like the 3-axle Solaris Urbino15 (15=15 meters long). Direct link there is https://www.paperdiorama.com/paper-models/buses/solaris-urbino15-paper-model-1-86-h0-scale/ but, link on the main page will get you there too. More links to follow when I run across them. A second link with some interesting models:
Build more paper buses, Swamp Daddy
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Another quickie here, here are a ton of paper buses from many sites. Yandex is the Russian equivalent of Google and often gives less complicated searches. Cheick out these paper buses if you have a few days:
some simple models, some quite complicated. I have spent several hours trying to locate a site for the "Sailor Moon" 4-axle megaliner models and they are all gone. I know I downloaded some but who knows where they are. More looking.

Build more paper buses, Swamp Daddy :yesyes:
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Didn't find any 4-axle megaliners at those links but lots of other good buses. Nor could I find the double articulated Swiss models he did.

Make more paper buses, Swamp Daddy