Build: Humungous Lambda Shuttle

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Jun 4, 2007
This one has been on my build list for quite a while, and now that I have collected enough cereal boxes, shoe boxes and other odds and ends, I started it today. It's even got movable wings.

This is how big it's supposed to be. Huge! Don't know where I'm gonna put it once it's done.

First step...trim all the boxes down to get some nice flat pieces ready for lamination. Thank goodness we have a community that would make me sick throwing all that waste into the local dump.

Second...figuring out how to most efficiently arrange the parts on the cardboard.

Now to the build: The skeleton. Here's as far as I got this evening. My hand started to get sore from cutting all this thick cardboad. wall1 Dontcha just love the idiot proof "Upper" and "lower" instructions. :mrgreen:
The model is as large as the original plastic was. So I don't think it's huge.
Nice! I was gonna do this one at one time but the size was daunting for me. Looking forward to your build!
Here's the skeleton skinned with the hinges for the wings installed. Thank god for spray adhesive.

Engines. I sure would like to know why my camera blurs close-up shots. wall1

Front where the cockpit is going to attach. You can see some white showing inside the neck. Oops. Oh well, once the cockpit is installed, it won't show.
Are you using the flash? My camera was doing the same thing when I had the flash turned off to avoid shadows. Turns out all the pictures were blurry, even if I used macro mode. I turned the flash on and suddenly the pictures were in focus. :p I was so frustrated I almost threw out the camera.
Turn on force flash if you need to or get more natural light. I always try to get my pics in a sunny window or outside. Even in he middle of winter - heck my santa clause beaver plane was landing on snow :) course thats what it was supposed to do! :D
Very nice! Might have to add this one to my list...
Does your camera have a macro mode? Usually denoted by a little flower...

Yeah i finally looked at the manual and macro mode is the way to go for anything closer than 1.5 ft.

Helps to actually read it, huh? :eek:ops:

Surprisingly my 2 megapixel phone camera does wonderful closeup shots. Will use it from now on. Thanks for the tips, though, guys!

In retrospect, maybe a blurry camera is the way to go. Hides the little nasties that always make their way into my model builds no matter how careful I am. :cool:
Use more direct light and dont shoot so close.

As for the model ... so far so good. I have wanted to build that model for some time. I had the original plastic from way back.
Yeah i finally looked at the manual and macro mode is the way to go for anything closer than 1.5 ft.

Helps to actually read it, huh? :eek:ops:
Real men don't read directions... ;)

In retrospect, maybe a blurry camera is the way to go. Hides the little nasties that always make their way into my model builds no matter how careful I am. :cool:
That's the theory I go with sign1
Here's the skeleton skinned with the hinges for the wings installed. Thank god for spray adhesive.

Nice build so far causticphlegm.......... ermmm do you have a real name?? you're handle is a bit of a mouthfull. wall1 Oh Yuck! sign1 I'll rephrase that,.... your handle is a bit icky!...

Is this model a freebee or a payware one?? if it's a freebee is there a link to it somewhere??

Best Regards,
Julian (Fozzy The Bear)
It's a free model, but to be honest, I have no idea where I got it from. I've downloaded pretty much every model I've come across and have bookmarked very few sites. The only info I can give you is the contact stuff in the instructions:

"The model is based on slightly modified Darksaber’s 3d mesh for X wing Alliance Upgrade Project and unfolded
with shareware version of Pepakura designer, it is completely free, so You shouldn’t charge any money for it.
If You would like to post it at Your site, please contact me before doing so.
Deimos at: forums\forums"

Seems that paperstarships has been hacked so I can't confirm that it's there or not.

BTW, the name's Dan :wave:
Side air intakes (modified) installed and top "wing holding thingie". Like the instructions say "Air intakes in space?" With the exception of the gun pods on the front of where the hinges are concealed, the hull is done. Just the cockpit and the 3 wings to do.

Just the cockpit and the 3 wings to do.

WOW! That's loking really good Dan... Especially now you figured out how to focus your camera. sign1 I don't read manuals either, unless I have to.

Thanks for the information, I'll try and track it down. It's kind of an important model, given that we see Luke playing with one in the Garage Scene in episode 4. As well as using a real one to get to Endor.

Best Regards,
Julian (Fozzy The Bear)
Just the cockpit and the 3 wings to do.

I like the colouration and weathering on the one you're building much more than the flat colours on the Uber Kit.... I might redraw that one and add similar distressing. The Star Wars Universe is not a clean dirt free place.

Best Regards,
Julian (Fozzy The Bear)
Cockpit installed. Surprisingly this is the hardest part of the whole thing thus far.


Top wing. We're in the home stretch!

Looks like I'm going to have to design some feet/landing gear for it as the cockpit hangs lower than everything else. Puts a lot of pressure on the neck.

Ahhh...who am I kidding. I'll just display it on the shelf with the nose hanging over the edge. :mrgreen:
Looks like I'm going to have to design some feet/landing gear for it as the cockpit hangs lower than everything else. Puts a lot of pressure on the neck.

You could always make a stand for it.... Bit of coat hanger wire into the bottom and the other end into a wooden block.

Just out of curiosity... Do you ever have trouble with that 3M adhesive delaminating the surface sheet away from the card underneath? or is there some trick to using it? which one is it by the way?, I can only read the word Super on the can.

Best Regards,
Julian (Fozzy The Bear)
You're absolutely right..... I just watched it again. I suspect that model was the basis for this one when they came to design it later on though.

Best Regards,
Julian (Fozzy The Bear)

Don't think there is any doubt. GL is/was constantly giving his art directors recommendations on providing continuity between films or even trilogies. The continuity between films for the 2nd trilogy was easy. The links between episode 3 and 4 however, IMHO looked absurd. Cool as they might have looked, the interim fighters Obi-Wan & Boy-Darth flew in episode 3 literally looked like a high speed collision between between the Aethersprite and a Tie Fighter. Erf.
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