Buck Rogers Thunderfighter mods

So far so good. When I did this part, I laminated the inside walls about 3X, and got rid of the tabs. But then Again, that is my technique for building strong models for heavy usage or for moving around a lot. Keep it up and waiting to see that interior. (is it the two seater or the four seater?)

Thank you for the tip. I will use the technique when I build an interior for both the two-seatrer and four seater.

This one is the two-seater varient. Once I have finished the initial test build, Revell-fan will colour all of my parts in the "EDF" colour scheme and finish what needs to be done so it can be posted for download.

I of course will be building one in BSG colours (for my own collection).:twisted:
Here are more photos of my progress. I am finally at the point where I am now adding the "EXTRA PARTS"

Here is the sheet of parts. On it you can see the main wings, wing mounts, inner canards, inner canard mounts, and outer canards.

Mounting inner canard mounts to top half of the fighter.

Laminated main wing mounts (on both sides with thicker cardboard. I used cereal box cardboard).

Mounting main wing mounts.


Sandwiched both halves to each other.
More photos. I am attaching the main wings and inner canards

Here are the main wings and inner canards for mounting.

Mounting inner canards.

Mounting main wings

Assembling the rest of the fuselage cones.
Hello there!

Good work on the cockpit(s), Rhaven!

I was completely knocked out by a flu but I am back on track now. Work on the quad proceeds and the result pleases me very much. I'll post some pics asap. CU!
Hello again. It is time again for more photos and an update

Attached the nosew-cones to the fuselage and inner canards.


Assemblemed and attached outer canards.



Assembling and attacjing vertical stabilisers
Hello, Rhaven!

Seems this is one of the few occasions that we both are online at the same time!
Even more photos:mrgreen:



Assembled and attached lower vertical stabilisers.

Assembled and attached cockpit canopy.

I am sorry that I have not designed an interior yet, but I want to finish this first and make certain that these parts are right before I turn them over to Revell-fan for colour and proper texture.

Next update will be the engine and back-end assembly.

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

I have finally finished the initial test build, and as you can see, very thing fits well. The only point of concern is when mounting the engine exhaust, it is a very tight fit, so please very careful with it.

I will sent the parts sheet to Revell-fan for clean up, colour and texture. Once that is done, the parts will be posted for download.

Here are the photos for your viewing pleasure.







I've begun work on the quad. It's looking good so far. The new fuselage is ready; now I am concentrating on the canopy. I'll post some pics as soon as they are available (time is very rare at the moment..!) Stay tuned!
Small update with the cockpit interior.

I would like to thank everyone that has given me photos and reference material (to include Silveroxide, Revell-fan, Alan Sinclair, and Thunder Child). Unfortunately though, I am having designers block and problems getting things to be close to canon as possible.
With that being said, I am not giving up on this! It is just going to take a little longer then I wanted.
I am also doing this "the old fashion way", with pencil and ruler. I still have not mastered any of the design programs to design such.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.
Mostly off topic, but has anyone ever designed any of the other fighters from the series? If anyone is interested, I can dig up the episodes and possibly get some screen shots.
ThunderChild has designed and release the War Hawk.You can find it here http://www.paperaviation.de/index.html.

I have it, as well as several of Thunderchild's other models. I haven't built it yet, but it's on the list.

I was thinking of some of the other ships like the Hatchet Fighter, or the more generic fighters they showed on occasion.

Or...the Draconia!

I asked more out of curiosity than any driving desire to build them.
I would like to thank everyone that has given me photos and reference material (to include Silveroxide, Revell-fan, Alan Sinclair, and Thunder Child). Unfortunately though, I am having designers block and problems getting things to be close to canon as possible.
With that being said, I am not giving up on this! It is just going to take a little longer then I wanted.
I am also doing this "the old fashion way", with pencil and ruler. I still have not mastered any of the design programs to design such.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Just take your time, buddy!

I know how difficult it is to design something "by hand" (and "by eye"). There are many ways to achieve good results. Using design programs is just one option which could make your work a bit easier, but as you might know, I started my Landram without them, too. Even the Great Pyramids were designed and built without PC support :twisted: !
I have it, as well as several of Thunderchild's other models. I haven't built it yet, but it's on the list.

I was thinking of some of the other ships like the Hatchet Fighter, or the more generic fighters they showed on occasion.

Or...the Draconia!

I asked more out of curiosity than any driving desire to build them.

Ahem.... I don't want to spoil anything, but ... I've been collecting data on the Buck ships in order to turn some of them into paper models as soon as my other projects are finished. On my todo list are: the Hatchet Fighter, the Raven, the Cargo Sled and the Ranger. I have also started work on Chrichton.

We definitely need more ships from Buck!

However, I think I'll leave the studio-scale Draconia to Jan (Rükr)! :p


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Here the promised pictures of the quad.

The new fuselage is complete. One curiosity I noticed while collecting data for reference was that the studio model featured the narrow fuselage as designed by Martin and the life-size mock-up had a broad fuselage you see in the pic.

The cockpit was inspired by the schematics by Alan Sinclair which serve as a dummy here. (I hope he has no objections! :wave:) The final cockpit will differ from them in many respects because their proportions and shapes do not match the proportions and shapes of the TF paper model. You see an early test-fit.


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