BSG Defender

Some good thoughts to start mine


I'm still working on some of the details on the engine and the landing bay. I'm almost finishing with the engine additions and will post probably sometime this week in between work projects.

When you start your project please give me a "shout out". If you have any problems I'll be happy to help out.

Thanks for stopping on by!

Sky Seeker
Hey everyone! It's been a while! Here's some new pics of the bottom forward section with new greebling and the engine section.

Forward section

Engine section - New greebling before mounting on the engine.

Engine before the new additions.


Engine after the additions. Instead of having the engine flat with no details I've tried to make the engines appear more recessed than before. It's a minor detail, but one the Revell Fan and Zathros suggested a while back. Well guys here's the implementation of your ideas right here. I did it without even cutting into the engines. Also, some additional details were added to the back.



Now onto the detailing of landing bay.:animated: (Finally!)

That's it for now.

Sky Seeker


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Man, this is really coming along, excellent job. Steve should be informed, if he doesn't know already, he'd be Happy! :)
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Reactions: Sky Seeker
I agree with everyone else! This has been an amazing build. I will be referring to your thread a LOT for my own Defender build. I very much look forward to your future builds!:)
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Reactions: Sky Seeker
Hey guys thanks for your support! As promised earlier here are the pics of the Defender FULLY ASSEMBLED! I am D-O-N-E (ok with the exception of a base, which after I might do someday).

Launch bay attached to the Defender

When assembling I recommend that all four attachment pylons extending up from the launch bay are glued at the same time. Otherwise they have a tendency to come unattached when pressure is applied, especially when you think that one side is glued in place.










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Here's some more pics.

Here's a close up view of one of the attachment areas. Try to line up the top of the attachment pylons with the edge of the model see below.


other side

It helps to greeble the pylons they act as tabs for lining up the pylons with the rest of the model.



That's it for now! I'm finished with this model!!!!:animated: Onto other projects (finally)! I can't believe that it's almost taken a year to do this. If there's anything that this model has taught me is that long term patience can be learned.

Many thanks to Trent Henry the creator of this model. He's a genius!

Here is the source for the model:

You really can't appreciate the amount of detail the man put into this model until you start cutting out each and every detail that he's put in! It's also inspiring as how he used only shades of gray, black, and white to achieve the varying details on this model. The few places where blue is used helps to break up the lack of color.

If anyone needs some help doing this model please stop on by or send me a message. I'm always happy to help.

MANY thanks go to Zathros, Revell Fan, Rhaven Blaack, Spaceagent, Chadepotts, DanBKing, and to everyone else that has stopped by and commented from time to time!

Take care and happy greebling!:)

Sky Seeker
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Maybe because you see it everyday, but I can assure you this model really "Pops". The detailing has taken this model way over the top. It is the standard bearer for this ship!! :):bowdown::Bravo: