Blank Uncolored Models.....and so it begins.


Oct 5, 2013
Spokane I'm not sure where to post these pics, so I will just post them here for now, until i figure it out. These are the beginnings of two of the Ron Caudillo Enterprise NCC 1701 model, that I took to work and had a couple different people color, so far. The one that has the haphazzard coloring all over, was done by a lady named Terry. The crayon build up was so heavy, that to facilitate further building, i had to get out the heat gun, take the whole lot of papers out to the garage, and spend awhile melting off all the excess crayon wax.
Eventually, after a LOT of super heating the paper back and forth, and a garage filled with a rolling thick haze of crayon wax smoke, I got the wax melted out, leaving the dye behind.
The second set... the really colorful and artfully directed coloring of all the individual panels, was done by a lady named Juanita.
I decided on these two, and this model, just to be able to get them built and posted and let everyone enjoy the look of them, and as a test bed for me, to see how well and quickly i can get them built and given back.
I think once the building and slight modifying begins, the hand colored effect will actually be pretty cool. fun
For those who don't know the back story, I take care of people with a variety of developmental disabilities, and so I wanted to use the paper modelling avenue of artistic expression and creativity, to give them something a little something extra and cool looking on their shelves, beyond a coloring book page on the wall. I will post pics of the build progress at intervals as time allows.
It's going to be pretty fun on my end, and I hope it helps to inspire others or those who are brand new to the really cool hobby.


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I really hope I'm not posting the pics incorrectly or in the wrong place, causing any problems to the forum regarding posting limits on bandwidth stuff. i have no idea about that stuff, I just know I've seen things on sites where people talk about how posting things a certain way with media, causes a problem. With that said, here is the other set from Juanita. These are pretty neat looking. She colored every single panel individually and differently.


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I think that is great!! you might want to find someone who believes in what you are doing and who can use Inkscape to white out recoloring some models for you to print, they can send them to you via email. im not sure what you should post under, maybe other things we do or something like that. Zathros is usually glad to help people on stuff and might know of someone who has the software and some time to do this for you. its great that you are brightening lives, and I, for one would like to see some pics of the finished ships!
there are some gamer ships that are white, can be enlarged and are simple and can be modified into a complete model, let me see if I can find one.
Spaceagent, Thank you. I will definitely be posting the pics of the finished models as well as some progress pics. I tried the inkscape for myself awhile back when my PC was working, and i had nothing but problems with it...getting it to work and stuff. I have a really old copy of Corel photo and paint shop from back when i was in college, and i don't know if it will run on newer systems. i will dig it out and give it a try.
Okay so as of this week so far, I have managed to get two different people at work to do their own coloring treatments on a U.S.S. Enterprise NC 1701 Originally designed by Ron Caudillo, with the original color stripped out.
I have a few other stripped models I will be tackling as well, but those will be on a lrger "studio scale prop" size format. The Enterprise was one i just stumbled on and decided to tackle off the cuff as ones to do for them to call their own individually...the one i have in mind for the studio scale "filming prop" size couple, will be after these are done. i will post pics later tonight of progress so far.
Cool! I'd love to see what the finished Enterprises look like. Might I suggest a battle damaged one? I would really love to see that!

If I would have seen this thread earlier, I could have stripped out the color for you as they are saved in CorelDraw. Really easy to remove the color and resave. I can do this with any of my designs.

Best Regards,
Hey thank you so much Ron. I will be doing my own version of the Enterprise too. When i do mine, I plan to print it onto watercolor paper, give it a seal to protect the ink from the water color painting, and then paint every part with correct coloring and I can certainly do some construction and paint effects to indicate battle damage. I want it to be an artistic rendition....a 3D watercolor painting. My thought is to display it against a watercolor of a nebula cloud,or a simple dark blue and black sky with a milky way galaxy arm across the page, as a background canvas.
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@McGee, Both versions of the Enterprise will look quite interesting (to say the least), when built. I am looking forward to seeing them!
Most all of the Warhammer models also come with a B&W template. So if there is anyone there who would be interested in WH40K, there is plenty to choose from. Here is the link to the WH40K thread that has all of the models:
Thank you both so much. I appreciate it very much. I will check out that warhammer site. I looked at water color paper today and that stuff is THICK, so I will upscale the model size to allow for good looking folding of even the small parts. It should look pretty cool. I may do mixed media. Watercolor for the most of it, and for battle scarring, i will use varying shades of charcoal pastels etc.
here is blank template for ya,....glenn jupp says its ok to use it in his download, I posted a pic of it like he asked.glann jupp romulan bop.png
It might be a good idea to have a repository within the forum for models like this. This would make painting the models easier and why pay for all that ink if your just going to paint over it? :)
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It might be a good idea to have a repository within the forum for models like this. This would make painting the models easier and why pay for all that ink if your just going to paint over it? :)
Great idea! I have several that are ready.

Best Regards,
It might be a good idea to have a repository within the forum for models like this. This would make painting the models easier and why pay for all that ink if your just going to paint over it? :)

If I can be assured that there will be enough templates to make open another sub-category (in any other main category), I will be more than willing to to open such. :D:D:D
I am overwhelmed with gratitude and very thankful for all the help and support and enthusiasm i have received from so many for this project and helping me to expand the artistic and creative avenues for the people I take care of. This is truly humbling and you are all very gracious, and it would be AWESOME to see a gallery of the models that are generated from just the blank line work, that are all hand painted or colored in whatever fashion or media people chose to use..or printed onto whatever kind of paper people chose.
I printed off a few of the rare animals of the world, at the Yamaha site, onto a white paper that has this really odd very very scaled down directional "short hair" grain to it. Its almost like a sheet of micro fiber textile, but with a bit more "texture," which once printed onto, gives a GREAT illusion of very scale correct hair or fur,like on the Tiger I did.
Thank you all and that would be really cool , Zathros and Rhaven :)

I think we should try it. Ron Caudillo uploading "white only" models and that he is interested, and he is such a pillar in this community, is a great endorsement endorsement. We (Rhaven and I) can P.M. each other to figure out how to set it up, if we decide to try it. It would be nice to see painted models, brush, spray, fur, bones, etc., built. I think it would yield some really interesting results.
I just read my post above and saw that it looked like i signed Rhaven. Im not sure why and ow that happened. I was at work and trying to type fast and i think when i was trying to spell it correctly i typed it twice and somehow made that stick and hit post. My apologies. for that. Cory. :)
I like the idea a lot. I'll add a white version of the Colonial Viper Mk. I, the Landram and the Raptor to the Resource section, too! :)
look how fast this is growing! whatta great community! is there any other kinds of models your friends would like to get, like animals or cars? its great to see everyone join in and help on a project.
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