Blackadder's Scratchbuilt Thunderhawk Redux

Best Laid Plans:

Oft time Gang aft agley"......... Brought My T'hawk to a show last week and on returning home in the wee hours put it on a shelf for a couple of days.

I finally got around to getting the interior of the cargo compartment sorted out and began the retro fitting of the inner walls when I discovered one of the Ball turrets missing????? well for the past couple of days I've torn my workshop apart and traced all my steps repeatedly to no avail, it's just gone so, biting the bullet, I resigned myself to making another one using the remaining one for a guide;


What infernal luck.... and I was going to glue the turret mounts in place too just this past week.
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You Can't Go Home Again:

Well for what it's worth I've tried to duplicate my work of last year but the inspiration seems sorely lacking. Whilst this is a reasonable facsimile it cannot match the caliber of the original.

Turret update.jpg

I'm about to apply the finishing detail but this is at best a tawdry effort.

I still hold out hope for finding the original.
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