Blackadder's Imperator Titan Build

Chin Guard Detail:

Back from Easter holiday; before I left I started the detail of the chin guard because I might have to put slots in the backing as well as the decorative spear shapes. The slots are ready made aligning points so duplicating the spear point is a cinch.


I used a slightly modified tongue depresor to file the pieces to roughly the same shape and each pair is roughly 2 MM longer that the other S M L respectively


Now that the three pair are rough shaped I can clean up the edges and thin them all down to the finished width.

This model head seems a lot easier than was the Warlord so far.
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Seriously this is probably the most gratifying construct I have done in quite some time.

Something is still wrong with the image generator. I don't want to get in trouble by posting from my other image source so please correct this problem


Everything is falling into place.


Even though the chin armour is too far forward (easily remedied) it gives a hint of the majesty to come.......


It's still not too late to start following/building along on this construction. I foresee this will be quite something when finished. :blush:
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Nice job...
That looks very menacing! You are doing a GREAT JOB!!!
I agree....
and BTW...I have the exact same vacu-vice and I picked mine up new, back around late 60's or early 70's and it still works great... for a really inexpensive vice! ( back-then anyway!) ;)
I love my vacu-vice and I've and mine forever as well. I think it cost me $6 bucks. A lot of money in the sixties when I was earning $4 bucks an hour.

Then A Miracle Happened:

But no, it didn't.... I was working without checking on the so far completed 'Skull' (well that's what it looks like to me) and I got away from the proper relative sizes. and so far it looks okay. The cheek armour under the visor seems about right especially since the large round canisters under the eye sockets still need to be added.

I still have to pare down the nose and chin dart embellishments and I'm having difficulty reconciling the extra wide vertical strip under the nose; it looks too wide to me on the skull but less so on the 2D image. I like it thinner as it give the lower face a more refined look.


I'm going to have to bit the bullet and be less slavish to the prototype image and do what my instinct tells me looks best.....

So here is today's effort just tack glue in place temporarily.


and I'm already not liking the chin dart (What was I thinking???) but the roughed in nose seems pretty close to what I looking for.
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And finally finishing up the nose vents and rebuilding the chin gewgaw.



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and front view likewise but there is a method to my madness because it is easier to sand and shape things smaller than it is to cut off and replace things with larger.


So just a couple of more images tour de force while I install the other flare today.




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I love my vacu-vice and I've and mine forever as well. I think it cost me $6 bucks. A lot of money in the sixties when I was earning $4 bucks an hour.

Then A Miracle Happened:

But no, it didn't.... I was working without checking on the so far completed 'Skull' (well that's what it looks like to me) and I got away from the proper relative sizes. and so far it looks okay. The cheek armour under the visor seems about right especially since the large round canisters under the eye sockets still need to be added.

I still have to pare down the nose and chin dart embellishments and I'm having difficulty reconciling the extra wide vertical strip under the nose; it looks too wide to me on the skull but less so on the 2D image. I like it thinner as it give the lower face a more refined look.

I'm going to have to bit the bullet and be less slavish to the prototype image and do what my instinct tells me looks best.....

So here is today's effort just tack glue in place temporarily.

and I'm already not liking the chin dart (What was I thinking???) but the roughed in nose seems pretty close to what I looking for.

I even tried shrinking the pixel count by half and also making the entire image smaller and I still keep getting the same error message?

Yep that's about what I paid.... :surprise: You made 4$$ I think I was making 1.75$ in a TV repair shop!
Oh yeh...back on topic...BUILD LOOKS GREAT!!
Yeah So The Visor's Not Right; I Know: :D

It's like working a Rubik's Cube. You have to discard order to increase order. I have figured out the mechanism to pin the side panels back and still allow for the movement and easy disassembly otherwise I could jut glue and be done with it.


But what I am really showing is the first layer of the reinforcing gussets that I have to admit are somewhat crude.

The side view seems reminiscent of the Batman comic Joker which may or may not be a good thing


The rear quarter view show there is still a tremendous amount of detailing to be done. But fun none the less.


And of course the hidden areas that no one will ever see once all the magnets and clips are installed to keep the head together.


Finally my unpatented slide mechanism for easy removal of the visor.


Gawd, I still have to add lighting to this as well!
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I have asked that people stop posting till the problems are fixed. A thread with no pictures will not be read, and this thread, will be ignored as most people will not take the time to follow the links to the picture. You can continue, but if you read the post I made about this, and make your comments there about the images not being uploaded, and other issues, I would be indebted to you. The forum is dying, and by posting, you are contributing to it's death, not intentionally, but you will get tired of it then leave. I wish to force the owners of the forum to fix it completely. Please, I beg that all members cooperate and we speak as one voice.
I shall of course follow your wishes. I meant no disrespect. I figured half a loaf was better than none and since this is the first indication there was a problem that the board was aware I shall cease immediately. I post on numerous forums and enjoy this one at the top of my list for it's ease in presenting images. that is why I was so distressed at the seeming failure of an exemplary image generator I spent a significant portion of an hour trying to circumvent the issue and since you are a regular denizen of my threads I felt sure if I were doing something unsanctionable you would have said so.

I shall desist forthwith.
Whew, Zealot is BACK and with hope the excellent image engine is up to par as well so I've advanced quite a bit since my last post.


As you can see the detail has become quite extensive


I am quite pleased with the progress


Now begins the interior

Thanks for the reply; I am back from a tedious 2600 mile odyssey traveling the breadth of the United States in three days in a 16 foot truck trailering a car which was no picnic. It took me a day to recuperate and a day to unload the truck and a couple of days to get my groove back. Yesterday I began again to make pieces for the interior and I hope to have a post update ready tomorrow. Meanwhile thanks for all the posts and the support. I'll try not to let you all down. Worthy of note; I spent three days in Las Vegas and didn't spend so much as a nickel gambling. Somewhat of a record to my mind but I did see the Arizona Meteor Crater which was a life long ambition.

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Slowing Down:

Am I slowing down in my dotage?

A week ago I was somewhere in Texas, Windmills to the right of me, windmills to the left of me from horizon to horizon.

The tallest wind turbines in the U.S. have been installed in Texas — the Vestas V90 turbines are 345 feet high, and are rated at 3 megawatts each. They are part of the 63 megawatt Snyder Wind Project, a wind farm that’s just been installed in western Texas.

Today I finally put the floor in my Emperor Titan head. a weeks worth of work and damned little to actually show


I vacillated from not enough room to too much room......


but now that the actual floor is installed it all is coming together correctly


Sorry for what seems redundant images but the previous ones were without the floor and not able to be handled. Now at least they are held together with gum bands and aside from being somewhat askew are just about right for installing the interior furniture.


With plenty of room to spare.

Tonight's repast; Martini, Texas Chili and the Doctor Strange BlueRay Video....

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You ability to fabricate in plastic is astounding.

I asking people to go back into their previous posts and upload the photos directly to the forum now, to maintain the integrity of their threads. This is one heckuva thread, it would be sad if build pics ended up being lost because of broken links. Besides, if you knew how much it cost to fix this attack, you would wonder why this forum is free! ;)
It's going to be hard to replace the replies missing whilst the forum was completely down. I've managed to replace those that were sourcing another image storage site. I'll have to search my archives for the rest
Blackadder, I don't think you should ever use the word "Attempts" again. It's just too humble for this brilliant work. :)

I would love to see that crater. Did you know the center is off limits, as it is still being studied, and is in fact privately owned. I would have turned it into a big pool!! :)
Absolutely Frikkin Amazing. As usual. Your attention to details make me need to watch your build processes. I really do appreciate your devotion and artistry.