Benchwork for Module


New Member
Nov 4, 2005
I have read some of the other threads about building a module and have a few questions.

People have mentioned using the foam insulation for the top of their module with a couple of stringers to support the foam. Am I understanding this right?

How do you mount track on the foam insulation?

Also, is there any reason why I can't just use "L" brackets to connect the sides of the frame to make the 2' x 4' box?

Help and suggestions are greatly appreciated.


I would suggest that you go through the "resources" thread (top one when viewing this forum) to help you find some additional info - there are a ton of ways to construct modules!!

But my answers to your questions would be:

Use the 2" foam for the top of your module. It is actually recessed down into the sides (usually 3/4" ply ripped to 4 or 4.5" wide). If your module is 2x4 feet or less, you will not need additional bracing across the frame to support the foam. 2" foam is surprisingly strong.

I would recommend latex "adhesive" caulking to stick the subroadbed (cork, etc) and track to the foam. You could alos use "gorilla" glue which is a urethane glue I believe. Whatever you choose, make sure it is foam-friendly, and is also waterproof when dry - this last point is important if you are going to use water based scenery or ballasting methods.

Instead of "L" brackets, I would recommend a good sized corner gusset. This is a triangular piece with one angle at 90* so you get the corners square. It also provides support for your foam, and is a place to anchor whatever leg system you are going to use.

Hope that helps.
