Bell X22 Render work


Staff member
Apr 5, 2013
Just doodling. There are a lot of compound radii on this craft, but it still may be able to be made, at least a reasonable facsimile. :)
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I'm amazed this aircraft flew for 10 years! That is a long time to study something. Not including crew and fuel, it could carry 1,500 lbs., which may not seem like much but this was a prototype with really small inefficient engines, and it could takeoff vertically like that. You could also put the design characteristics of any aircraft into it, and it would fly like that. It became the world's first real time simulator! A modern version with composite technology, upgraded impeller design, and a ballistic parachute recovery system could really be something. That is this crafts big drawback, it does not auto-rotate and it does not glide if something goes wrong. Nothing did in those 10 years though, nothing that caused it to crash, (the first one was a loss due to a technical mess up, not a design flaw). :)
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I am going to see how far I can go with it. :)
Bit more doodling. Nose has to be reworked.


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Okay Z, if this ever makes it to test build stage I'll do it for ya. Looks great for a doodle.
These days I am doing much work in my shop and don't have time for much else. gotta get ready for Winter too, so I can make no promises. I like to render vehicles, cars, boats and the like so I can understand their shapes. Once I know they unroll, and see if they could be made in paper, once that is done my interest just drops away. I know of others in this same rut which was one reason this section went up. Just a place to try stuff out, get feedback. I have give out a couple of models over the years with supposed "Beta-Builers'. One I gave out with reeally detailed instructions. After 6 months, I decided to inquire and the person said they thought it was difficult and had trouble understanding the instructions. I naively asked what problems they encountered but the answer, which I will not print compelled me to till this person to delete it from their hard drive as they were the only person with a coy of that model and that model does not exist in any medium. It wasn't in this forum though the person is a member here. I really would have been willing to go through any problems, but since my son (7 at the time) was already playing with the one I built, I could not envisage what the big deal could have been? :)
Along with the Bell XV15 the X22 was one of the truly fascinating prototypes of its' era.
I'd be keen to see it emerge as a model, and see it built.
The more unusual aerial vehicles have always been an interest to me.

Kind and Respectful Regards, Uyraell.
I don't know if these pics help in anyway, but I was thinking of your project, thanks for fixing the posting pics prob.
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I missed this post, sorry! Those picstures do actually offer some insight. Thanks! I had forgotten about this thread. Horrible, I know. :(