Battlestar Galactica/Buck Rogers Hover Vehicle

Please keep in mind that the colour is not precise because there are no views of the vehicle in neutral light. It was quite tricky to figure out what it was. In several shots it appears as if the vehicle was two-toned but Rhaven convinced me that it was in fact one colour. We are very certain that the colour was very close to the colour of the Paradeen version (brown / dark copper) but it appeared to be a tad lighter. The first test-prints came out orange which did not look right at all, especially when you look at the contrast between it and the gold of the EDD logo. This final one is what we think matches the original the most. :)
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Here are the parts for the "energy packs" and the intake system.

The "energy packs" are assembled. There are four for each side.

The "energy packs" are attached in place.


The intake system is assembled.

The intake system is attached in place.

This is a "step" that will be attached to the back end of the intake system.

The step is attached in place.


Both sides are complete.

Please stay tuned in to your local Colonial Broadcast Network as well as your local Earth Directorate broadcasting channels for more updates.
Here are the parts for the "propulsion units".

The "propulsion units" are assembled.

The "propulsion units" are attached in place.

Please stay tuned in to your local Colonial Broadcast Network as well as your local Earth Directorate broadcasting channels for more updates.
Here are the parts for the "hover" mechanisms.

I attached the base plate in place.

The outside of the "skirt" is applied.

The "hover" discs are assembled.

The "hover" discs are attached in place.

The other components are attached in place.

Please stay tuned in to your local Colonial Broadcast Network as well as your local Earth Directorate broadcasting channels for more updates.
Here are the parts for the hand-railings.

The hand-railings are attached in place.





Here is a quick video showing the Hover Vehicle
View attachment 20240420_015509.mp4

Please stay tuned in to your local Colonial Broadcast Network as well as your local Earth Directorate broadcasting channels for more updates.
Thank you very much! There will be a small update / revision to this one. :)
*UPDATE* During the development of the template for the Earth Directorate Hover Vehicle, @Revell-Fan had used the same logo that was used for the Thunder Fighter (more as a placement logo whilst working on the rest of the template). However, in final production (and during my beta test build), neither of us caught the fact that the logo was indeed the wrong colour. As both of us were reviewing other things about the Hover vehicle, we had both spotted the mistake and @Revell-Fan fixed the template and sent me a set of "decals" to fix the model that I just finished.
Here is the Hover Vehicle with the correct logo:


Please stay tuned in to your local Colonial Broadcast Network as well as your local Earth Directorate broadcasting channels for more updates.
Here is the "WHITE" version of the Hover Vehicle. This version was featured in Buck Rogers, season one episode 09 "UNCHAINED WOMAN" (as a "background" piece. Here are two screenshots that shows the vehicle.
The good thing about this model being all white, is that the builder can (if he/she wishes to do so) paint it in whatever livery they wish.
White Hover Mobile (BRTC25 UW city).png

This is a closeup of the vehicle.

Starting with the parts page containing the body.

I assembled the main body and attached the main storage area and the "hidden" trunk.


Please stay tuned in to your local Colonial Broadcast Network as well as your local Earth Directorate broadcasting channels for more updates.
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Here are the internal formers.

The internal formers are assembled.

The internal formers are put into place (but sit freely, without glue).

Please stay tuned in to your local Colonial Broadcast Network as well as your local Earth Directorate broadcasting channels for more updates.