Babylon 5


Hi guys,

I'm pretty much new to this site, actually landed here as I was looking around for a B5 Papermodel (wich I can't download yet:cry:)

Well but anyway, as I'm working on a 3D Model of the Babylon 5 "Lost Tales" Version, I'd like you to explain why I took up that challenge.

I have donwloaded a highly detailed mesh long time ago and started to experiment with that one. I have realized that it comes quite close to the original TV-show model if it isn't actually the same one. With the help of dozen light sources and shadows I have been able to crete some nice lit scenes.




I even tried to recreate the iconic scene from the station orbiting the Planet Epsylon-3


Now a few of you might say "well look at this detail" but I got sick about that very generic hull panel textures, swallowing a lot of structural details. Close up images reveal a rather very ugly surface. Some of you might have seen the TV-show and can recall the early CGI. Of course they were pioneers for their time. But when I have seen the DVD-movie "Babylon 5: Lost Tales" it just blew my mind how incredible that station looked like.

So recently I had the idea to render some images again but like I mentioned, I'm not so fond of the old TV-show model.

So, I will try my best in recreating the "Lost Tales" version with all references I have and hope this project will be finished one day cos it is a hell of work.
Now if it ever will be finished one day, maybe somewhere around here is keen on turning it into a new paper model, if I'm not trying myself.

Here is the most recent progres and the begining - the Hangar


Now what you see on the top is the original model I have been using all the time so far and wich probably is exactly the same seen in the tv-show. You realize the generic surface patterns and how some details get lost by those. Now on the bottom you see the "Lost Tales" (I short it to LT now) variant. You immediatelly will recognize the hangar frame and the flaps on both sides as a lot of new detail.



So now everybody who does know the scale of that station knows that I not even have scratched the tip of the ice berg. But I will work on it from time to time and keep you informed,

"and so it begins" - Kosh
for that i will really looking forward!
the actually downloadable papermodel is more a "cardtoy" (Jaybat´s words)! i guess i know this "original model" what you have and i also had my hands on it, but it was very very complex and i have many other projects in work!
So i hope you do a good job on it!

Great Renders. We have a section called "Renders and Illustrations" which you can feel free to post in, and not worry about it being a prelude to a paper model. Sometimes the Renders are such hard work, it feels like you have built the model already, and in a way, you have! :)