artworks, logos, renderings and such

Excellent! I love it, especially the "Nose-Art" feel of it. :)
"Fall" Mild photoshoped photo:

"Desolation" extrem manipulated hue -> private test "how low can you go":

"Sleeping Rose" Mixed methods: Photo manipulation, handdrawn elemets, moon 3D render…

"Symbolic Overkill" I & II: I hope it's not offensive. It's not about religion! It's about how their symbols are abstractedly used in our time.
Completly drawn in Photoshop
symbplic-overkill-II.jpg symbplic-overkill-I.jpg
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Very nice, I don't have the knowledge to comment correctly except to say it is pleasing to my eyes. :)
Ardent Gilgameshite! :)
Thanks! I feeled honored.

some logos all done in Illustrator:

for a rpg/tabletop shop

"italian delicacies"

bottle label

"tiles and baths" for a tiler

for a "Ranch"
sad.jpg sad-ps.jpg


The gradient mesh test looks GREAT! I'd love to see a tutorial on that. Is this a vector graphic?
like the coffee cups! they look completely real! is that from a wet or fluid application ?
Great Work, Thanks! :)
I think I can get the Maxon Cinema4D. A 3D software FREE as my son is a school doing 3D and his teacher can apply for a code. It's a pretty upscale town with one of the highest rated educational systems in the country. This means I'll get he, I'll teach it to him as I learn it! :)