

Feb 13, 2012
nc hamlet
another pterosaur. these things are just too fun to make. this guy ( as the title says) is arambourgainia. this was a rather large azhdarchid with a wingspan of around 7 meters. it's proportionally short wingspan indicates that this pterosaur was more pterestrial then most like it. doing most of it's hunting and foraging on the ground. this is believed to hold true for the majority of large azhdarchidae




From what I understand they used their head like a rudder. A creature would be able to control the rapid changes of direction having a rudder facing forward would initiate. This is absolutely beautiful.

Do you have a link for it? :)
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a rudder, communication, sexual identity, and territory disputer are all likely uses of such a head crest. large pterosaurs such as this are believed to be surprisingly maneuverable, given their rather unstable platform compared to other aerial archosaurs such as birds.

i dare you to look up tupandactylus or nyctosaurus. just imagine how maneuverable they would of been.

oh, and unfortunately, this guy isn't available yet. a few snipets in the plans are needed to be corrected.
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Oh my Lord. My that is fantastically beautiful. You take those models, and your drawings into a publisher, and you will have a book published. I know it. I am going to try to find some old connections, it has been so many years though. I know you could do it. Go to a few of them, they will fight over you. You have a Goldmine here. Take advantage of it. Really, share this with the world! They want it, but just don't know it, yet! This could make it into schools, imagine the millions of kids you could reach around the globe! :)
make a nice mobile, perhaps in a push out book. great job by the way!! let the imagination-adon fly free!!!!