April/May 07, name your own contest contest

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Out AZ way
Feb 3, 2003
Yeah, no fooling, this is a "name your own contest" where you get to name the contest that you think you're entering. Other than the normal set of rules, we have but two stipulations:
  1. Your entry must have something to do with railroading, model world or otherwise.... anything to do with railroading is OK
  2. When you post your entry, you must tell us what kind of a photo contest you're entry is suitable for, or in other words, if you were entering a specific contest, what would that one be???
This means it's open to such things as, photo magic, locos, layouts, weathering, real stuff, comical, you name it, you choose the topic. More than one person can enter in that topic, but it doesn't really matter, it's your choice.

Our standard rules apply and include:
  • Your picture entry must be taken by you
  • Only one entry per person, one picture per entry
  • This contest will close on May 31st.
Uh, I told you this one would be easy and no one should have any excuses for not entering.:D

Good luck...:thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
i dont think its possible now,but with the rise of steel mills here.we should have some sort of industrial photo contest.and pretty much everyone with a layout has some sort of industry :thumb: --josh
bigsteel said:
i dont think its possible now,but with the rise of steel mills here.we should have some sort of industrial photo contest.and pretty much everyone with a layout has some sort of industry :thumb: --josh
Remember, this is a "name your own contest" contest:wave:... Anything goes this time around.:D
I'll go first...

The contest I would enter would be "Pets on the Layout"

The photo must be unretouched and show a dramatic or humorous animal on the model. Of course, the inconsistancy of scale is part of the fun.

Hey Don, when does this contest end? I have 2 rolling mills on order with Mike at Fifer Hobby but they are not in yet and they are supposed to be on there way to his shop but he does not know for sure when he will get them. I think that I will have them by the end of the month.

Just wondering when the contest closes since it started late this month
Fallen Bridges

This is the old Milwaukee Road trestle going past the town of Tekoa WA, located 40 miles south of Spokane. The Tekoa (pronounced Tee Ko) website states...


This very large black trestle is still standing, and is a local landmark. You can see it in the panoramic photo on our home page. When the railroad pulled it's tracks out of Tekoa, it was planning to dismantle the trestle, but residents protested and it stayed. Travelers heading south on Highway 27, before they enter the town, must still pass under it. This photo was taken in 1908.

My wife and I were down there last night and enjoyed this view leaving town.


Setting Sun on a Fallen Railroad

In His Service,
This change in forum format has me more than a little confused. But be that as it may, let me try posting something for this "as you like it" contest.

For a title or subject of "my special contest", I'd say "contrasting eras" or perhaps "era face-off" might be an appropriate choice for the entry below.


Well...I gotta say I simply give up trying to post images here. I've made 6 tries at it this morning, two times out of which the posted images seemed to show up as solid postings. But as far as I can tell they vanished within a few minutes (although my screen name remains for the thread as the latest poster)! I've never had any problems posting images to any other site, so whatever's going on here is a mystery to me. Too bad.

Well...I gotta say I simply give up trying to post images here. I've made 6 tries at it this morning, two times out of which the posted images seemed to show up as solid postings. But as far as I can tell they vanished within a few minutes (although my screen name remains for the thread as the latest poster)! I've never had any problems posting images to any other site, so whatever's going on here is a mystery to me. Too bad.

I don't know why you think you have a problem, I see three posts, all with the same image in it... If you don't see them, Peter should know about this, but I can see them all...
OK, can you see them now???? I think I've fixed the problem, at least for now....

Indeed...as of noon suddenly I can see my earlier, image-including, posts!

As a result, I've deleted a number of the repetitive image posts so that the contest thread is left with just one.


Thanks, I was hoping you would do that. Let me know if it happens again..

EZ...If you still happen to be monitoring this particular thread, be advised that on the opening screen for The Gauge, at the top where you have The Gauge Photo of the Day, as well as at the bottom of the page, where the image of this month's photo contest winner is supposed to appear, all I see are the little boxes with the red X's. Is this perhaps just me alone again, something I'm not doing right, or a sign of a wider problem? :confused:

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