Anyone know about windows 10 not playing videos after a file transfer?


Right Hand Man and Confidant
Jul 10, 2013
Pop up says no permission, file corrupted, or simply just unplayable. I have tried different players to no avail, and some files transferred fine. Seems to be a file age thing. older files do not play. I am trying to find the right codec package for windows 10 player.
Thanks for any help on this.
This is the first time I hear about this. I found this:

Well I tried all that and more. It seems as if the files were damaged or there is a lock on them. Most of them were free off of youtube so I guess they are now locked out or something.
I only use VLC (VideoLan) player, as it plays everything! I never use Windows to play anything. It might decide it was pirated or something. Windows and DRM makes me sick. I've been using VLC for over 15 years! I also just found out the VideoDownloadHelper, the Firefox Plugin, will record streaming videos to your hard drive! I got "Fantastic Planet" that way. Excellent old French Anime movie. :)

Link =

Fantastic Planet (Watch Online FREE) Link =

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You said "file transfer". Did you copy / move them from a removable storage device to another? If the process was interrupted or not carried out properly the file may get corrupt. In many cases the file remains unplayable.

How did you download the files from YT in the first place? Which format are they (*.mp4 or different)?
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Copy and Paste should be all you need to do, except from a commercial audio CD, or other type, like DVD, or Blu-Ray, which requires other software, which is free, but out of the scope of this forum. ;)
I have to check the last thing I tried, to scan and repair the removable storage. They played before the move to the other RS, and I think it might have to do with the new update to windows 10 last week? Still trying. Thanks for all the suggestions, I will try every one.
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I only use VLC (VideoLan) player, as it plays everything! I never use Windows to play anything. It might decide it was pirated or something. Windows and DRM makes me sick. I've been using VLC for over 15 years! I also just found out the VideoDownloadHelper, the Firefox Plugin, will record streaming videos to your hard drive! I got "Fantastic Planet" that way. Excellent old French Anime movie. :)

Link =

Fantastic Planet (Watch Online FREE) Link =

View attachment 191921
Thank you, @zathros ! I've been looking for this movie for a very long time! It's one I saw as a kid and have been trying to find! Thanks!
I saw it two years ago on arte, a French TV station focusing on culture and history. They are known to show movies which are artistically valuable. A few weeks ago they had a great retrospective on Georges Méliès and presented some of his most famous films, some of them as a world premiere, uncut and restored. Some of the best but lesser known are "The Diabolic Tenant":

and "Journey Through the Impossible":

Thanks for those vids!!
After trying every single trick in the book, it has come to my attention that the host for these movies might have made some kind of ''timebomb'' playable expiration date on the files themselves. I guess?

Also while I am still sculpting for a while as I wait for brain tumor surgery authorization, I have noticed that some think that the over-population of greebles makes the toy or model or landscape dioramas more exciting or something.
I tend to disagree. just the right amount is acceptable and coloring and placement make the items pop. I use as an example the K'Tinga from the star trek movies.
I think that the piccard ships are kind of in an awkward stage right now, not really finding their footing, and some ideas sound nice in the board room, as with discovery ships, but are not long-lasting favorites.
Going too far with a certain style or ''differentness'' just doesn't keep my attention and devotion.
Over greebling makes me ask-WHY?
When TOS was remastered I really liked the texture on the 1701 but not the nacelle domes.
The Romulan could have been lit up, but they didn't. The Klingon D7 was made dull and unattractive. Almost all the other ships turned out ok, but the old styles had an attractive futuristic look that still fascinates me today.
The over greebled Nostromus from Alien was cool at the time but now when everything has that crusty over-plated, rod''d no clean space anywhere appearance it really turns me off.
However, I do like the fact that when paper models are severely textured it hides the joins and seams and makes the model look smooth and fluid.
The eye doesn't bump and halt at every crevice at the joins.

I had to get all this off my chest, as you know things get stuck in my craw and I find no relief until there is a satisfactory solution. What is YOUR favorite greeble job? Mine is still the K'Tinga
Mine will always be the mothership from Close Encounters. The little R2-D2 that is on it's surface, if you look real hard, freeze frame, zoom in, you can see an R2 unit...
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