Anybody in contact with Uhu?

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New Member
Sep 15, 2020
I'm at it again. I've got a copy of Uhu's Space Station V. I got it from his site "back in the day". We all know he does not share often because he is both the best designer on this planet and incessantly ripped of by Etsy creeps. Latest one I found was some creepy document download site that offered Space Station V as a perk for signing up. Not pullin that Phish into the boat...

My long game is to put the build on my GPG channel on YouTube. I feel compelled to get Uhu's permission to show his kit. I don't monetize. I ain't posting his pattern anywhere. I need to talk to him.

So.. I talked to my friend Elder Card Model Statesman Ron Caudillo. He's Finer than frog hair and now lives close enough to Wonderfest that I could actually meet him and shake his hand next summer. (Bucket List!) Ron once helped Uhu work on his JJ-verse Enterprise. Ron helped him design the pylon structure. Ron lost Uhu's email in a move. Anybody got it? His site, link below, seems to have gone cold. The latest posts seem to fizzle out half way through an ASTOUNDING design for the Yamato Japanese battleship in 2008.

Save your effort, UHU02 will not talk to ANYONE.

What is a GPG channel on Youtube?
I'm at it again. I've got a copy of Uhu's Space Station V. I got it from his site "back in the day". We all know he does not share often because he is both the best designer on this planet and incessantly ripped of by Etsy creeps. Latest one I found was some creepy document download site that offered Space Station V as a perk for signing up. Not pullin that Phish into the boat...

My long game is to put the build on my GPG channel on YouTube. I feel compelled to get Uhu's permission to show his kit. I don't monetize. I ain't posting his pattern anywhere. I need to talk to him.

So.. I talked to my friend Elder Card Model Statesman Ron Caudillo. He's Finer than frog hair and now lives close enough to Wonderfest that I could actually meet him and shake his hand next summer. (Bucket List!) Ron once helped Uhu work on his JJ-verse Enterprise. Ron helped him design the pylon structure. Ron lost Uhu's email in a move. Anybody got it? His site, link below, seems to have gone cold. The latest posts seem to fizzle out half way through an ASTOUNDING design for the Yamato Japanese battleship in 2008.

UHU02 has totally and completely removed himself from Zealot and the international internet world. He is only focusing on those who are in Japan (ONLY). So, I (seriously) doubt that he will respond to you about anything. So, I would just not worry about it.

As for posting build videos on your YouTube channel, you do not need permission of the original designer in order to do such. So, by all means, go for it!
UHU02 has totally and completely removed himself from Zealot and the international internet world. He is only focusing on those who are in Japan (ONLY). So, I (seriously) doubt that he will respond to you about anything. So, I would just not worry about it.

As for posting build videos on your YouTube channel, you do not need permission of the original designer in order to do such. So, by all means, go for it!
I know I don't need to ask. I prefer to. The artist should get the credit. Thank you so much. I'm nor surprised Uhu has gone to ground as it were. Ron said he's not big on English.
I would suggest just mentioning his name in your video.
Indeed. I've built the back story. He will feature prominently. Funny thing about the kit. No one seems to know how big Space Station V was supposed to be. There are reproduced original blue prints in "The 2001 File" by Frayling. A caliper and some patience works it out to 640 foot in Diameter. It's right there on the page for anyone to see. No mystery. If my feeble math is correct, Uhu's masterpiece is 1:649.5, 650 Scale. I re-worked the parts in SVG for my LASER. which raises a question: do you think the members would find said SVG files useful? I would love to share.
Indeed. I've built the back story. He will feature prominently. Funny thing about the kit. No one seems to know how big Space Station V was supposed to be. There are reproduced original blue prints in "The 2001 File" by Frayling. A caliper and some patience works it out to 640 foot in Diameter. It's right there on the page for anyone to see. No mystery. If my feeble math is correct, Uhu's masterpiece is 1:649.5, 650 Scale. I re-worked the parts in SVG for my LASER. which raises a question: do you think the members would find said SVG files useful? I would love to share.
The original file is of this template is available in the Resource Section. However, if you wish to create your own template (that is vectorized), You are more than welcome to upload it to the Resource Section.
With that being said, many of the members use programs that can handle SVG files (i.e. CorelDraw and/or Inkscape) in their designing process. However, (most) finished templates are either in PDF, PDO, PNG, or JPG format (this is (more) for ease printing, because the average builder does not have programs to read SVG files).
UHU is not the best designer in the world. He has copied and transferred some of the best designs of objects designed by other people. There is nothing original in his work.

That being said, he is extremely gifted when it comes to making such models able to be built in paper. Remember though, he works off of the designs of others. His gift was in being to make it able to be done in paper.

I can show you the scar in my back where he stabbed me. I helped him track down pirates of his model more times than I can remember and stood guard over his "password" diligently for over 10 years. A lot of time and effort that I will not ever repeat for anyone. He did not have the decency to even let me know his intentions after more than 10 years of watching over his work. We used to communicate often. His head just got too big. I guess that's what happens when people keep blowing smoke up your A$$. :sadno:
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