Another Blender 2.8 Gratuitous Plug!

This guy is really good with Blender, one of the 1% "percenters". I don't know anyone would make anything close to that with Blender. I've seen tons of crappy Blender work, and when you open up those files in Rhino, I, at least, am amazed that with all the overlapping vertices, and superflous curves, that these models actually Render. Though I have come to believe Gandolf is really a magician and can do anything he damn well pleases!! ;)
@Gandolf50 is that a spitfire? I would give my left arm for a decent sized and insanely detailed model of one.
It's P40-Kittyhawk...I have a Supermarine Spitfire somewhere around here modeled down to the dirt under the control knobs...worked so much on it, my computer will barely run with it loaded! I do suppose you are talking Card Model..the one I created is WAY WAY too detailed!

I'll look around and see...I have one like like I did for the P40...

and you can enjoy this while I look for the others... ( Every modeler has done a version of these beauties!)
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I did another variation of the P40, a P40b fully articulated flaps, ailerons, prop, and landing gear the works...animation is too big but here is a screen render...( cut down version)
@Gandolf50 is that a spitfire? I would give my left arm for a decent sized and insanely detailed model of one.
Just checked and they don't do a Spitfire ( yet) but they have this beautiful P51D Mustang...Talk about DETAIL!

You can find these at many places like e-bay and Amazon.
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The Rendering of models is great fun, but turning them into paper models is laborious, till your done, and making the paper model. So much detailing just can't reasonably be done. You end up with a model that no one builds. IMHO That's why I have the Renders and Illustrations section here, so people can post their Renders, and not get bothered about making them into a model. It's enough that it took a week to make the Render. :)
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Personally, there have been a billion Spitries and P-51 paper models made. A fantastic P40, not so many, especially one where everything is articulated. ;)
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That's awesome. I was indeed talking card model. Maybe one day I shall be able to create my own. The p51 is pretty sweet too.
Surprised to see Jude Law in that. Very interesting what people fluent in Blender can do. Blender, a FREE download, $10.00 dollars a month to join the club to get some training. Not a bad deal really. These people have spend years working with Blender and other programs. I would like to see a video of someonne just learning bBlender and see what they cn accomplish in 6 months. I saw one video supposedly made with Blender, then when I looked it up, I found the list of other programs it took to actually make the presentation, I felt a little deceived.

To be able to get into this kind of program for FREE and pay the non obligatory $10 dollars a month is well worth it. IMHO. :)
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and to think I avoided nodes for a very long time...Now there is in the Pipe Line...EVERYTHING NODES...and I mean EVERYTHING...

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I don't mean to rain on this parade, but what bothers me about this is that are you creating something? This is "sampling" the works of other's and the making of composite pieces. The same thing is happening with a lot of what is called "music" these days, people sampling other people's work so you don't hear anything original, or everything starts to sound the same. The same with textures. Yes, "Nodes' are the way things seem to be going, but if you use any of these products. I wonder if now, or in the future, how much originality you can claim. IMHO.
One...YES! It is created, but not in the way you are thinking...
Sampling? The analogy does not fit in any way. All of these are created by individuals and strictly with Procedural Textures ( NODES).
Example...I needed a scale armor that reacts to light and different parts of the scale need to change color... I could have just created a texture to import ( Graphic). But it is always a flat image...edges don't react to light as it has none. Model it into the mesh...Cost in faces, render times, finished file size... then still have to texture it and run with at least 4, 2k maps per mesh... Maps eat memory and render times. Best and what ALL 3d Grafix are leaning to, Procedural Textures... with Nodes...NO more Maps, no more modeling and then having to re-topo and Bake images for your Normal/ Bump Maps ( where there is an apparent height to Flat textures ) Those in the video have taken many steps further, almost all start with a simple Cube or Sphere or Plane...Very little cost as far as mesh data. An asteroid field made up with boxes will be fare more efficient and render leaps beyond a Modeled or Sculpted Mesh + 4 basic 2k textures...and you have to model many different ones for realism. Procedurally 1 cube, one procedural texture, and as many asteroids in different sizes and shapes as you want...and will render way faster than traditional modeling, as well run faster and better in an animation...

Here is an example of the scale armor can be applied to any object and recolored to whatever object it needs...and is far superior as a traditional 4 map texture...1 Procedural with Nodes ( Nodes are Vectors-Mapping-Colors etc), and 1 Flat Plane+ 2 Lights as well as a HDRI world light.

Very interesting. I wish Rhino would make texturing more intuitive. Personally, I use CAD for machining things in the real world, so this texturing, while I love it, I can't justify the time to learn it. You keep going on. Thanks for "educating me" on the of these nodes. I think you're light years ahead of anyone else here. :)