Ah yes... Learning...


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2018

So, I replaced my LCD (2k monochrome) print area screen on my Elegoo Mars 2 Pro. First print went off without a hitch. Last five have ended up like this one... Got some queries in the Elegoo forums, but all my searches have come up empty as what this issue might be. I've double checked my firmware (up to date), how I installed the LCD (well, first print was great...), even reset home and leveled the machine several times. No luck. Part of me wants to dig into the g-code and see if something got corrupted.

If anyone else has any ideas, let me know.
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Reactions: Rhaven Blaack
Do you still have the old screen,, can you hook this directly to your computer to run? I think you have a machine code corruption. If you can flash that part of the system, you may be good to go. ;)