Addams family living room

ASC Mclaren

Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2011
Western Washington
A few months ago I ran across a paper model of the Addams family living room, from the TV series (link not included at this time, intentionally). I hemmed and hawed for a few weeks trying to justify the price, and finally the subject matter overcame my cheapskate nature (and the knowledge that Halloween is getting closer and closer). I purchased the model, and when I opened the file I was agast. The photos of the models on line show the product that is being sold pre-built. The description does note "This version varies a little from the picture shown. It does not include some furniture. It is simplified to make it fun and less frustrating, The full version is available as a separate item on the main shop page." That did not excuse the files that I received. I exchanged several emails with the seller and they did send me a pdf that is more like what is pictured, but is still a disappointment to me. So, I have started to fix those items that fail to meet my expectations. And because I am me, I rescaled the files to 1:18. I have plans to create some custom figures after the living room is finished. That said, I hope you enjoy the build.

The first issue it the main staircase included treads, but not risers. The second issue was the secondary staircases were not included at all. Time to improvise.
IMG_3247.JPGIMG_3248.JPG IMG_3250.JPG IMG_3252.JPG IMG_3253.JPG IMG_3254.JPG IMG_3255.JPG IMG_3256.JPG IMG_3257.JPG IMG_3258.JPG
This should be interesting! That room was so clutttered. Good start. :)
That's pretty cool. Lots of depth in black and white. :)
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I've seen this seller's stuff over on @tsy and wondered about what they were actually selling. I suspected that if they don't mind selling products with potential licensing issues they might not be too straight with buyers, either. Sorry to hear you had a problem with them. I love the concept of TV/movie interiors, though. I'll look forward to seeing what you do with it. I'd like to see some of our fine designer friends do some interior sets like that.
More time in gimp. I noticed during my research that the model is a compromise and not screen accurate. The entry is significantly altered. So this build I am making it more as designed. That said, I needed something on the wall in the entry passage. I decided that even though it isn't from the show, to make a portrait with spy hole eyes. I settled on a portrait of Edger Allen Poe. Yes, the eyes slide up and down. :)
IMG_3278.JPG IMG_3279.JPG IMG_3281.JPG IMG_3282.JPG IMG_3283.JPG IMG_3285.JPG IMG_3288.JPG IMG_3290.JPG IMG_3291.JPG IMG_3299.JPG

More new parts to follow.
It is really neat. I used to watch this and "The Munsters", though, I enjoyed "The Addams Family" more. :)
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The green lines on the floor are just a photo effect or they are real? A printer gift?
Oh no, those are a gift from the designer. There are also lines on the walls, some of which I have been able to remove. Awesomeness

I am noticing that while the kit is basically a stage piece (out of scale, inaccurate, forced perspective), I am slowly turning it into a mini "doll house" due to my crazy scale OCD.
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The Black and White really lends itself to this model! :)
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I've been in Gimp for hours and hours redesigning the included partial piano into a more accurate harpsichord. I still have to design the seat for the above. I will have to do some work on the elephant foot ashtray. The bird cage needs work, as does the peacock chair. I may also design the sharping wheel. Any way, I will be back at building soon.
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