ACTRR my be dismantled and re-constructed

Great video once again! But your train room isn't messy, just storage challenged! I'm still trying to sell off my HO collection so I have 2 collections in my room. I have to move boxes to get to my tools or to get to other parts of the layout. I'll be glad when it's all gone!

I hear you there , Man I hate clutter in the train room!

Here is the Las Cruces Depot I have been working on. It is a bone stock Walthers kit with a few small details added. It is not exactly our depot but really really close.
I stuccoed it using craft paints and Aluminum Oxide blasting media mixed together and painted over the brick structure.
The real thing !!

My model!





I think we all go through the new house thing and have to do with out our layout at some time in our lives.
My lay out has been in storage for 3 years now and I am still looking for a home that matches the layouts size.
We may have found one, just waiting on a call back from the realtor so the wife and I can look and see if it is a fit.
I too feel the pain of not having a layout to work on.