A Pile of Pumpers


Will always be re-membered
Dec 28, 2000
Georgetown, Ontario,Canada
A Plethora of Pumpers

I wanted a source of oil for my oil refinery so am setting up an oil field near Harris on my layout. I made 7 oil pumpers to dot around the landscape.
The first photo shows them BP (before paint)


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Next is AP (after paint)
It may be a while before I install them on the layout as I still have some scenery to complete.
Next though, I will build an oil drilling rig.


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I suggest you put those little sucker to work as quickly as you can. They can't make you any money sitting around on your workbench.:D

Oh, they aren't real you say, can't pump oil huh. Ya sure fooled the heck out of me....

Robin great work as per usual,you seem to make things so effortlessly.The process you use I assume is first get a photo and then break down all the components neccesary to build. I'm just wondering how you sit in the Lr with a snacktable and watch tv.I seem to never have the right tool or enough space. Could you tell me again how do you cut such small pieces of cardboard and paint them without them curling,mine seem to curl as soon as I touch the paint to them.
Down heah we'uns call 'em "Grasshoppers" fer obvious reasons. Kinder look lak 'em don't they? You'll even find them raht inna middle o' downtown, suckin' up erl in the mos' unlikely places. Great work, Robin.
Nice Work, Robin!

Originally posted by shaygetz
Down heah we'uns call 'em "Grasshoppers" fer obvious reasons.

...And out here, they're known as "Nodding Horses". Rather a fitting name, but the name tends to make some of the dumber kids think that it would be fun to ride a nodding horse.:rolleyes:

I think I still have pictures somewhere...:D
Thanks for the comments everyone.
Belg, I start by painting them with acrylic paint right out of the bottle. No water used. After the first coat then I use water diluted paint for weathering. Once the cardboard is sealed by the first coat of paint then it doesn't warp or curve.
I sorta had to guess as to the size to make these as all I had was a picture of one to go by.
Fantastic work (again)!!!

I'm immagining visiting Robins home for the first time, and seeing a classic corvette in the front yard (made of cerial box card board, but you can't tell by looking), then a walk through a beautiful garden (paper flowers) leads you up to a 5 story mansion (made of a billion cerial boxes, all sealed in epoxy to keep them water tight and strong).
Re: Nice Work, Robin!

Originally posted by Lighthorseman

...And out here, they're known as "Nodding Horses". Rather a fitting name, but the name tends to make some of the dumber kids think that it would be fun to ride a nodding horse.:rolleyes:

I think I still have pictures somewhere...:D

Yep, back in the 70s, I'd o' prolly been one of those knuckleheads. Them medicinal herbs and spices back then had me doin' stuff like that. Robin, from what I know of them, they can be as short as 8' tall upwards of 28' tall. There are some rare birds that top 30+. Hope that helps. Oh, and it is not at all unusual to have an occasional one painted to look like a---pick one---horse, duck or bird and grasshopper.
Originally posted by jon-monon
Fantastic work (again)!!!

I'm immagining visiting Robins home for the first time, and seeing a classic corvette in the front yard (made of cerial box card board, but you can't tell by looking), then a walk through a beautiful garden (paper flowers) leads you up to a 5 story mansion (made of a billion cerial boxes, all sealed in epoxy to keep them water tight and strong).

And kin ya 'magine a dinner at Robin's no doubt is made up of an unusual conglomeration of every Snappy Doodle and Sugar infused Crispy Dinkle and Choco Bomb Corn Flake out there. ""Hope you enjoy it folks, you know I'm working on a model of Bethlehem Steel's Sparrows point plant right now.":eek: :p :D
Originally posted by shaygetz

And kin ya 'magine a dinner at Robin's no doubt is made up of an unusual conglomeration of every Snappy Doodle and Sugar infused Crispy Dinkle and Choco Bomb Corn Flake out there. ""Hope you enjoy it folks, you know I'm working on a model of Bethlehem Steel's Sparrows point plant right now.":eek: :p :D
Knowing Robin, he'll make the Choco Bombs look like steak. With the right amount of glue, they'll probably taste a lot like some steaks I've eaten.:rolleyes:

D:cool: N
Originally posted by jon-monon
Fantastic work (again)!!!

I'm immagining visiting Robins home for the first time, and seeing a classic corvette in the front yard (made of cerial box card board, but you can't tell by looking), then a walk through a beautiful garden (paper flowers) leads you up to a 5 story mansion (made of a billion cerial boxes, all sealed in epoxy to keep them water tight and strong).
You don't need to imagine coming to my mansion Jon
come anytime and go for a ride in my cardboard Corvette.


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Super examples of your great modelling skills Robin. I wish I had the patience for such repetitive work.

Don, I seee you've had the steaks served aboard British Railways!! ... :eek: :D :D (I'm surprised you survived them .. :D )

Once again, I stand amazed, Robin!
That is just incredible work!:eek: :cool: :cool: :eek:

Errol, where have you been man?
Always brightens my day to see your oiniker 'round these parts!:D
Charlie, I've been suffering anxiety attacks on how to scenic the righthand end of my layout!!! :( :confused: :confused: :D .
All I've done in 14 weeks is ballast about 3 ft of track and fitted an interior lamp to Tyson's gas station. Poor showing huh?
Oh Lordy gimme an imagination as good as the other Gaugers here.
