A new zealot is coming!!!

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We have a test import scheduled for Wednesday and will have a committed date for the engineers to upgrade if everything goes well.

To give you some insight on the major hurdle. Last time we did an import it lost half the attachments so this is why im a cautiously moving this along and getting the right engineers on the project. I know it sucks to have a broken site at the moment, but loosing anything cannot happen. This has me a bit on edge- balancing getting it done quickly and getting it done right.

I had a great (almost 3 hour) call with @Rhaven Blaackand @Zathos last friday. We went over the download feature and discussed the various issues. It exciting to see how the features are starting to work as we plug in test content, but it is also exciting to work with two really passionate admins. You are all in good hands.

So i am nervously excited in pulling all of this together. I know your patience are wearing thin- but we will get there and it will be awesome.
As I said earlier, I wish you all the best of luck in the transition.... As a database administrator myself, I understand what you are all going through!!!

We await with abated breath....!! :D
I just want to put my Thanks out there as well.

I know you guys are hard at work making a new and exciting forum for us, and I, as well as all the rest here are appreciative of your contributions, time and relentless effort to do so.

Thank You.

We did a test import last night and ran into a small problem but it caused an incomplete transfer. So we are going to do another test import tonight.

From this though i can give you a better idea of down time. If things go well with the second test the site will go down monday at 6pm est and wont be back until tues morning.
We did a test import last night and ran into a small problem but it caused an incomplete transfer. So we are going to do another test import tonight.

From this though i can give you a better idea of down time. If things go well with the second test the site will go down monday at 6pm est and wont be back until tues morning.

Thanks You Enzo, for posting that! :)
Take your time.
I'm realy looking forward to the new forums but it's up to you to realise it.
All I can do is be greatfull of your efforts and dedication.

Thanks for all the work you guys do it's hugely appreciated and I'm patiently awaiting with great anticipation.

Cheers and all the best to you,
I hope you guys, and I know most of your are, realize that problems arise, and there is nothing we can do about it. We have recieved some flack, as usual, not from this forum, and Zeaot is all that matters. It's is going to be great. You will be able to invite people into your private conversations, and view them as conversations!! Just a tidbit I though I'd throw out there. it will be a modern forum, in the fullest sense. :)
*PLEASE NOTE* The DOWNLOADS Section will not be available immediately when the New forum goes live. Both Zathros and I are working on that as well.
Once the new forum goes live, we will be rebuilding the DOWNLOAD Section.
So if you are wanting something now, I am sorry, but you will have to wait a little while longer.

Not only that, but to let everyone know the DOWNLOAD Section on the new forum is call The RESOURCE Section.
I almost forgot to mention. Since the upload limit is CONSIDERABLY LARGER for the RESOURCE Section (A.K.A. DOWNLOAD Section), I am also combining some of the files together into one (i.e. the instructions and the parts template in one rar file, for instance).
Say you want the BSG Grey Raptor and you can not find the instructions. Both the template and the instructions are together in one file.
There will be similar changes like this all throughout the RESOURCE Section.
So please do not FREAK-OUT!
As many are, I am patient, and look forward to the new site, I am curious though, can you give us an idea of how the picture layouts will work for posting? Similiar or different than what we are used to?

Patiently awaiting for the Grand opening :) Got new builds to share ;) and a big project ready to start
As many are, I am patient, and look forward to the new site, I am curious though, can you give us an idea of how the picture layouts will work for posting? Similiar or different than what we are used to?

Patiently awaiting for the Grand opening :) Got new builds to share ;) and a big project ready to start

From all that I have found out, you can load photos (and other attachments) directly to any post directly from your computer, without the need for any photo hosting site (like photobucket). It is quite easy to use.
When the site goes down you can get updates on Zealot's twitter account here. https://twitter.com/Zealotdotcom

As well as the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Zealotcom/418083998324914

These pages are new and rather incomplete. We will improve the graphics and profiles on these pages over the coming days. But in the mean time- like and follow these pages to stay up to date. Staff will be using these pages to share various hot topics and models from the forum.
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