a new mini HON3 layout started

have resolved my technical issues, can no longer post from the I pad, or transfer photos from it to the desk top, but I found an easy way to resize pictures from my phone

bugtustle ststion close  up.jpg
The Bugtustle station , and the beginning of the upper business district

Bugtustle station.jpg

the same shot a bit farther out

bugtustle lower busines district.jpg

the lower business district. the white stuff at the bottom of the frame is wax paper. I'm glueing foam boulders on the removable scenery plug. I didn't want the white glue tp bond the removable section to the rest of the layout

ore cars on the  trestle.jpg
I've grabbed a bunch of small buildings off my big HO layout to fill out the business districts

showing  the  new  arched bridge.jpg
am carving arched foam bridge
I have got the resizing of photos figured out Have a big dump of photos of the progress on the Bugtustle loop since my last installment

there may be some duplication, can't remember where I was

putting in the wye, which crosses the big Bugtustle gorge.IMG_0397.JPG

and elevated on stone pilings to fit.

the lower business district the white above the lower bridge is wax paper protecting the creek underneith it from scenery work nearby.

IMG_0410.JPG Insulation foam trimmed to a close fit to the rock faces.


IMG_0886.JPGthe foam is then carved into a masonry bridge

Kitbashbing a mine combining a cut down Plasticville coaling station , and an old time coal mine, that was sold by Pola, AHM, Tycho, and God Only knows who else. parts of this were once part of the J. E Patterson Cumberland # 2 mine. repurposed here as the Cumberland Mine, ( a Grateful Dead reference from the Cumberland Blues-https://youtu.be/REM_Safq3QU ).

replacing the wonky plastic supports with wooden ones, and building a wooden roof. the stock plastic roof looked like it was intended to represent slate roofing, but the pieces of slate looked more appropriate for O scale . it also didn't fit well. I will likely cover this with corrogated paper roofing from wild west models.


getting there!


in place!


landform started IMG_1174.JPG

land forms established


carving rocks, one advantage of big city life, is 50 lb bags of hydrocal are available for $28.00 15 minutes fron the bungalow.

beginning water effects


I sure do like this! next photo dump in the Magnolia thread in the RC section
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