A memorial to my mum (A BRTC25 Thunder Fighter in BSG livery).

Wonderful model and a wonderful tribute to your mum. I’ve always wanted to try making human pilot figures to fit inside the cockpit. Did you use actual photos of your mom for the figure or is it just a representation of her? I also like the fact that the computer looks like one that would be from the era the show came out complete with floppy drives (and likely the ones that actually appeared in the show).
Wonderful model and a wonderful tribute to your mum. I’ve always wanted to try making human pilot figures to fit inside the cockpit. Did you use actual photos of your mom for the figure or is it just a representation of her? I also like the fact that the computer looks like one that would be from the era the show came out complete with floppy drives (and likely the ones that actually appeared in the show).
Thank you for the kind words!
The figure is only a "representation" of my mum (at 1:32 scale), it would be rather difficult to put her face on the figure and have to look right. Not only that, but the way that I have the figure angled, you cannot see the face very well (if at all). So, no need to really focus on the face itself.
The computers that were used in the series were a different brand. However, the template for the TRS-80 was the only one that I could find that looked the closest to the one that was used in the series. The original computers that were used in the series were the Tektronix 4023, Tektronix 4501, & Tektronix 7603.