A CP station

A Memory Sparked

What a neat picture! Back in ‘92 my wife and I went up to Chicago from El Paso on Amtrak. On the way back to El Paso we stopped at the San Antonio station. It was a cold, pitch black, rainy night but, since the train was changing crews we were going to be there for a half hour or so. We decided to take a look inside the old station. To our surprise it was completely renovated and very much warm and cozy inside. We got a couple cups of coffee and I stood in the doorway watching the crew and listening to those two, big FP-40's rumbling at idle. What an atmosphere...the cold, the rain, the FP’s, the station......never forget it! Your picture took me right back!:)
That corner module is going to be a major showpiece!
That is some top-notch scratchbuilding,
my friend!
:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
Thanks everyone. If it wasn't for the support of the great group of members at the Gauge, I don't think I would have tried to make the models I have. So many tutorials, tricks and tips here that are of inesstimable value to me.
Thanks again.
I have a question regarding your use of cardboard for your buildings. I am trying to build a factory front using a cardboard box as my base material and then gluing (with Elmer's) vinyl vertical blinds (to simulate corrugated siding) to the cardboard. It appears as if the glue is causing the cardboard to buckle. Do you have a trick that you use to glue your cereal board to the cardboard so the cardboard doesn't buckle?

MarkB, That has happened to me too. I usually just bend it back flat. Now if I don't want that to happen, I glue the cardboard to the frame of the building, then add stuff and it doesn't curve or warp.
Originally posted by Matthyro ...I glue the cardboard to the frame of the building, then add stuff and it doesn't curve or warp.

Have you ever used cardboard from a beer or soda carton? They don't accept these or soap box cardboard for recycling because the city says they are treated and won't absorb water. I've not ever done this, to be sure, I'm not that good to even think about scratch-building yet, but I'm just kinda speculating that it might work without warping.

MarkB. As you saw at the begining of this post that I use corrugated cardboard as a base. In some cases, I glue the cerealboard right on to the corrugated cardboard then it doesn't curve at all. If I want see through windows then I cut out the shape in the corrugated cardboard so it acts as the frame.
Robin, I think you should expand out and start using doughnut boxes instead.;) Get it, expand out:D :D :D