A CP station

Originally posted by Matthyro
The windows with white framing is the end result, ready for glass and or blinds or curtains. I like this method because the window framing is neat with straight edges.

Another great technique from the Master. Thank you, Robin. I have been trying to figure out how to get that effect on the window frames. Every one of your buidling "tutorials" contains something we all can use.

Keep on keeping on:) :) :)
Thanks everyone. It gives me great deal of pleasure if what I do can help others to do what they want to do.
I learn a lots deal from others who post their methods of doing things too so together we make a great team of railroaders.
Very nicely done Robin I think I will use your paper technique in conjunction with the spackle mesh tape for my next try. Thanks for the ingenious new approach. I'm just wondering what's slowing you down these days you usually fly through your project like I believe someone said you must have a whole army of modelers over there. Robin just a little good natured ribbing just keep the photos coming. Belg/Pat
Thank you Robin,
following your posts on scratchbuilding, keeps us, less talented people, inspired and you make us to leave the armchair and give it a try.
At least this is what you do with your articles on scratchbuilding to me.

Thanks folks. Paul, we all need to be inspired to get on with it and get our layouts built and operating. The Gauge has become the best place to find the kind of support we all need.

Making the roof for this structure has really challenged me with it's varying angles. Much has been by trial and error. I have made as many as three attempts before I could get the right fit.
That's the fun of scratchbuilding.


  • cp9.jpg
    35.4 KB · Views: 247
CP Station

That is one AWESOME station and a very clever approach to construction. I can already see dozens of passengers waiting for the next train - baggage carts being loaded, mail sacks being pulled onto the apron, and small, express packages at the ready. The structure exudes activity even as it stands! What era are you setting it into? Are we going to see huge 4-8-4's with fifteen or sixteen heavyweights in tow or powerful E units with sleek streamliners behind? Either way it’s going to be fun to watch your progress. :)
Thanks Cinnibar
As this is going to be on an Ntrak module, the era will be what the group will have to run when we meet. Hopefully it can do duty for whatever we choose.
This is the time to add the little stuff.
Roofing still has to be decided on then final painting.


  • cp11.jpg
    34.9 KB · Views: 312
Your Station


Just saw the latest picture..............too cool! I was at a train show up in Tucumcari, NM back in September. I ran my S.P. 2-8-0 with 6 or 7 heavyweights in tow. A guy had this beautiful brick station on a corner module. Since the "layout" came out to something like 50' X 60' when all of the modules were plugged in it took awhile to get around the whole set up. When it was my turn to run I just HAD to stop at that station on every lap. My train just looked so real pulling into that station. I'll bet yours will have the same affect on folks. :)
Thanks for the kind words and support folks.
Cinnibar I hope the CP station will work out the way you said about stopping every lap. Arlaghan is going to have a magnificent station on his module so passengers can board there then the train makes two or three loops then stops to drop off and pickup passengers at the CP station for travel to Arlaghans station. Should be lots of fun.
No photo of progress tonight but it is taking me time to do the roofing. Almost done and will post photos when finished.
You have built some awesome looking structures. What do you use for the actual window glass material? I have used milk cartons, but for a building with lots of windows I would need to drink alot of milk.