A Couple of Quickies


Will always be re-membered
Dec 28, 2000
Georgetown, Ontario,Canada
First a crossing shanty. It is from a plan in a book called Bridges and buildings from Kalmbach. I got the book a long time ago when it was $3.00.
The structure is ceralboard and paper. The chimney is a tooth pick


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The next one is a branchline station from a plan in the book Easy-To-Build model railroad Structures(another old timer I paid $2.00 for)
This station is for my logging area.
I should have mentioned they are both N scale.


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Two pretty little structures, Robin! Fine models again! :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:

You are so right: The old Kalmbach and Carsten how-to books are still offering a lot of useable information. Of course they aren't up-to-date concerning electronics and modern building materials, but you can get lots of good ideas for your layout just by browsing through such out of print books.

Other titles are the 'H0 Primer' and 'Practical Guide to Model Railroading' by Kalmbach, or the track and trestle handbooks published by Carstens. If you can get a cheap copy - buy it. One time Carstens even published a cutout book for the construction of a complete H0 CARDBOARD city! :) (!!! Robin, you hear that? :D :D :D)

:wave: Hi Robin, those are neat. Now my books are old but cost more than yours so they must be old! hehe Anyway here is a crossing shanty that is in one of those books if you don't have it let me know and I will e-mail the article to you. Later friend, :eek: Jim
That crossing shanty from "Bridges and Buildings" was the inspiration for my first scratchbuilding project, mostly leftover cardboard and a couple of bits of stripwood, that I built when I was about 10 years old. It's definitely an eye-pleasing little shack--I try to keep my eyes open for that sort of small, charming building to photograph when I am out and about. Older model railroad books can often inspire that kind of neat little project...
The photo you posted Jim looks similar to the one in my book, I haven't added the little details to mine yet. What scale is that one? Looks like strip wood was used in its construction.
Robyn as usual something to get the "scratch building' urges going .Its so hot here can hardly bear to be in my loft, fans dont help and no space for an aircon, better wait for some of you type of weather