1945 Scammell Pioneer SV2S

Seeing the innards of that model truck, then watching the video, this truck has to preserved. It is a testament to excellent purpose built engineering. :)
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Some more ( small updates) ...started the air cleaner and as soon as I had it mostly together..tossed it into the growing scrap pile! looks like a cross between a sombrero and a witches hat that had both mated with a flying saucer! So scratch build time! I have not kept count but at the end of all this I will show a pic of all the left overs and scrap junk I haven't used...I guess it is somewhere around 75% scratch built by now...

Top Row.. Air tank, Kit Air cleaner, Mine w/ reference photo, base paint on dog clutch...
Bottom..new mud guards NEW engine covers...the originals were 1/16th" too short!! Guess I never matched them against the hood/bonnet. Went ahead and added the handles in the hopes that my mods didn't make them too short the other direction!

Forgot last time to show the improved rear exterior wall of the cab....
till, next update!
Damned, those parts look real, and yes they are, but I mean REAL!! Excellent!! :)
I just caught up with the latest posts. WOW! Thank you again for sharing this build. I have the kit now and maybe someday I will get it built... maybe I will just look at pictures of yours. :)
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Small Update... Started on the headlamps as front weights and frame are cut and lamps needed to be constructed..so slight tut on how I went about this...
1. Flattened half circle headlamp assembly a cuts...
2.used copy paper as a tab..and glued in the round as first glue step...using a burnisher, rounded the sections to center, using a circle template held sections in place and glued from inside, then outside.
3. Kit lens was a no-go, so cut new bezels ( 2 per lamp, to hold in glass.
4. I have some aluminum foil tape that is like mylar, that works well for reflector..or aluminum foil dull side works ...or some plain old paint works well also...for the inside of the headlamp.
5. I use laser printer transparency sheet for all glass I need to do, works great, easy to work. Thin enough to glue between frame for windows etc..
I scribe the back side with the lens lines with an old diamond engraver, so it looks like a headlight, and a very fine steel wool 000 or such, or 1200 grit paper to dull enough so that it is not fully transparent.
6. Glue Bezel and glass together, glue to lamp..sand and paint..admire!

I also had to work on some of the steering..and scratch build a manual throttle link, as kit part was ( again) a no-go...and because it just looks cool!
( I haven't cut the rod to length as yet, and still have to add the column clamps to tie it to the steering... )

scale view....

I also worked on the drivers side , tray, that hold, stuff / like chain tracks for snow, or fuel cans etc..but again.. Garbage Pile
Just not GOOD ENOUGH!!! Every view I could find or look at , had variations..but I will go with this one I found..steel frame and wooden floor...and open sides so I don't have to mess with the kit's square cut hole for the steering link!
Till next update!
I just caught up with the latest posts. WOW! Thank you again for sharing this build. I have the kit now and maybe someday I will get it built... maybe I will just look at pictures of yours. :)
Hope you get going on it...love to see what others can do with this! I have seen some amazing things !!! Be one of them!!;)
Long time since being able to get back to this..but have been working ..though a bit slowly..as other projects get in the way... First off I did re-work the side tray...
went with my own pattern as I wanted it to look a bit used..as you figure ..stuff gets tossed in there..as well as getting banged up driving around...as well as a wood floor looked to be standard on the 1940's
Used thin brass sheet to make up the drop gate.
Next...I was starting on the front fenders..but the kit design was just BAD!! Took awhile till I found a decent photo but found this...on a 1939 version...
1939_ScammellWheel.jpg which showed me how the fenders were REALLY supposed to attach@!!
That also meant some re-work on the front suspension.. acckk!! So gritting the ole teeth..I tore it apart..and started to re work it! Actually it wasn't to bad..I figured I only had to replace the wheel pin and re-design the lower bottom of the fender mount...
Cut the lower fender mount to proper length and angle and you can see on the right, below the tire, the new larger pins to replace the small pins on the left...Pin Vice and a sharpened length of the same wire later.. along with new bottom plate for the fender mounts..test fit!
It works!! now the fender will turn with the tire like it is supposed to do without hitting anything, like the kit mount did!!! Hurray!
Drilled out the wheel side and inserted the pins..dropped in some super-glue!! and DONE! A few greebles like some nuts and the like and at this scale..sweet!
Fender mounted painted, camo...(not glued) still have the hood to deal with!!) I am happy!

I also put the headlights together while waiting for things to dry and the like...
Headlights.jpg Still need some paint...
But was getting the counter weight assembly which the head lights mount to..and ran into more problems..now I never saw anything out there about this..and all the other builds look OK..but the kit is WRONG! it will not work as made! I did not catch it, but the cut outs for the counterweights are not deep enough, and the cut out for the single weight is spaced too close to the others so it will not fit when the others are in place..of course I don't see it till I try to put the weights in after everything is done!

So did a re-design..and deepened the slots..so the weights don't fall out and added the extra space so the last one has room to fit in! Which also meant tearing the old one apart to reuse the good parts and cutting all new parts. New sketch for part is in the background..bad part before tear down in front!
I now have all that built..as well as the side tray..currently working on the throttle linkage and some greebles to the engine and winch...a few more small things,,and later today will fire up the airbrush and add the camo to the rear winch box area..so once the greebles are on the winch and camo on..they will be ready to go on the frame...I still am debating on adding the brake details on the rear as they look cool..but to be honest..I am tired of OD green and ready to move on! I have more stuff to build ....waiting!!
Next time!!
In Post #77 I posted Video of the real vehicle in action. This is one real monster truck. Seeing it pull a British Chieftain tank, out of a ditch sideways, was beyond belief. I would not think that was possible.

Gandalf, I do not think a better representation of this model could be made in any media. You have nailed this one. :)
Small update..and more than likely just about the last. I have one more serious scratch build to do and that is to connect everything from the steering wheel to the wheels..and that's about it. There are some minor greebles here and there. I have just finished getting the rear box support nailed down..and that was a task in itself...camoed the rest of the pieces this AM...and pulled the painters tape off the glass sections...( you know things are close to the end when the paint mask comes off!!)... Here is all the parts ready to be assembled....

added lots of tiny bits to it, but just more for my sense of rightness, like the winch brake...and what will be the throttle linkage once the cab is in place..lots of little things, that you will never notice till you see them. None of which are in the original model.

Did a test fit of the side cage...and it looks ok...( first views with no window mask in the way!)

New counterweights are better but still too shallow..but I'm letting it go..if I change anything ..I'll change the weights themselves (should have in the first place..) as they should be rectangular and not square! But at least they all fit in now...

Next update will be the steering...scratch build of getting the steering and that's..it! then...final pictures!! YEAHHHHH!!!
till then...
I hve been in real trucks that do not look as real as the pics you are posting.
I guess I lied..just a tiny lie..and a tiny update..it is taking far longer to get this finished than expected...more and more details I keep remembering I want to add..and fitting the new stuff after the model was basically complete without destroying it..takes extreme delicacy...but I keep at it...

Had to add some more to the winch and dog-clutch..as it just looked naked without it..they are not exact but at this scale..close as I can get...

Got the steering unit in and cut to size...not happy with it..it will do unless I find or make a gear that is at least half the size of the one I used..and that will be tiny! Steering box is almost twice the size it should be...with the panel on it dosen't show...but I still know it's there....


not bad covered up...


complete unit fitted together with wheel and hand throttle...and some tools I decided needed to be made so spent a day making these tiny things!!
I know there are some more tiny things to be built windscreen wipers....door latches....radiator hoses...the list seems to grow instead of getting shorter!!
Knowing your steering column works makes it even more awesome! :)
Well here we go... just about to ( lie) again and post some more updates and still have not finished this beast! ( actually been too busy with too many things along with just not being able to work on small things for some time !) but .. back at it slowly ans again MORE CHANGES!
Built up an exhaust system using a chunk of old sprue from plastic model kit, tabs and such cut off, scraped and sanded, and bent to shape using a candle as a heat source ( hold far away as the plastic will melt and bust into flames if too close !)
Tailpipe.jpg muffler is card stock and rust is RUST, sanded off some old rusty pipe from the yard. Tapped a hole with a pin vise and drilled very carefully till the end looked like a tube!
Had to do this as need this in place before I started installing the steering, as there is no room, and I am NOT a 2" mechanic.
Exhaust installed, as you can tell, model not really designed for these greebles!
Also finished off some of the engine work on this side, here is a view of the finished water pump, and the water lines and radiator hoses etc. ( I just realized I have not uploaded the images from the camera yet jesshh). 7hrs later..
waterpump.jpg (close up sure makes everything look crusty!)
(LED and fluorescent lights play hell with camera lighting... along with morning sunlight...)
After the tailpipe and the water lines ..started setting in the parts for the steering and ran into the problem of it not being designed for steering..original had a tube glued to a flat strip with 2 circles on the ends, which might work a few times to turn with the wheels but not for long! also it was way to long as it would hit into the front suspension when it moved up and down, so greebled a closer version to the real thing.
But that also meant I had to restructure the side carrier so the steering could swing freely! ( more cutting and bashing ) Slight bend is to allow front suspension travel up and down and bring connecting rod to front wheel out further. Here is a front view ( not glued in place so hangs crooked) and also turns the steering box a bit, when held in place works and all clears !
Here is an overall view of recent updates, I show this as, once I place the side panel in it will more than likely never come off again! air cleaner/steering everything is in the way!
7-17update.jpg I even managed to line up the front steering knuckle and the steering arm, (I actually forgot all about checking that part.. got lucky for a change) ! Getting closer to the finish line!
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