1/12 Apollo Command Module

From beginning to the end, a great build thread. The model is indeed a masterpiece.
Glad this model came your way. Hope to see more from you.

My hands are already itching to start a new model. But I am still at the stage of relocation, and I will probably start the next projects only in September. I have already packed all my modeling staff, it remains to pack all the models for transportation, and as soon as I move to a new place of residence I will try to immediately return to the models.
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And also thanks to all of you for your support and help in creating this model. It really was a very exciting adventure. In which I tried a lot of new technologies, learned many new things and tricks. In general, thank you for following and commenting, supporting morally and with advice.
It is your mastery of this model that makes us all Bathe in the heat of your skill. We can but light the fire.