Search results

  1. Blackadder

    Blackadder's Imperator Titan Build

    Doldrums: Occasionally I get in the doldrums and wonder if this thing will ever be completed. But then something like today happens where I seemingly can do no wrong. I started out to see where I could go as far as making windows for the bastions. I did a google search for stained glass...
  2. Blackadder

    Blackadder's Imperator Titan Build

    Hmm, I don't think I deserve it but there seems like I've been missed over the past few months. Thanks to all for keeping this tread alive. Aside from the mishaps with my user name and password. I had not the energy to post the current work when it really didn't show all the fine detail I...
  3. Blackadder

    Blackadder's Imperator Titan Build

    Finally!!! I lost all my passwords and access to all my forums which is considerably attenuated since the beginning of this year. This morning I finally got into Zealot and am able to post. So here are the current images with paint primer How many spray cans will you need? A couple of dozen...
  4. Blackadder

    Blackadder's Imperator Titan Build

    There was a time when I posted on at least 10 forums.... Now I'm down to five since Warseer and Cool Minis have gone belly up. What a shame. There is plenty more detail/building that needs to be done. The internal magazines, the cloister gardens, in fact all of the upper galleries have to be...
  5. Blackadder

    Blackadder's Imperator Titan Build

    Ready For Prime Well the back is finally done and I'm about to spray on the gray primer. Once I see it in a uniform gray I will be better able to determine if it is detailed enough.
  6. Blackadder

    Blackadder's Imperator Titan Build

    Thousands of Bits of Plastic Literally thousands of bits of plastic added since last I posted and d*mn me if I can see a difference overall. I've carried out the closely spaced chest high crenellations theme to protect the combatants and added doors, ossuaries and scroll of departed crew...
  7. Blackadder

    Blackadder's Imperator Titan Build

    Thanks for the reply... In my previous post I mentioned how everything was coming together almost as if it were planned... Nothing could be further from the truth; witness the large blank area at the rear of this Titan. There was very little to go on in many areas of the rear elevation...
  8. Blackadder

    Blackadder's Imperator Titan Build

    Detail of the legs and the 8 deck levels at the rear of the superstructure. Alright we'll begin with the rear maintenance lower decks of which there will be four. The bottom two will be for the reactor core which will look like the Warlords reactor The three blue pipes are for the cooling...
  9. Blackadder

    Blackadder's Imperator Titan Build

    The top level four corner bastions are essentially finished; the four corner bases are awaiting some decorative bitz. Rather than subjecting my erstwhile viewers to the tedium of daily progress I opted to show a month's work in one swell foop... The much neglected rear view of this model is my...
  10. Blackadder

    Blackadder's Imperator Titan Build

    Superstructure Detail: Whew! After a month or more I finally have something to show for all this effort... First I found that a lot of the detail previously done was wrong or unsatisfactory. The secondary armament in the corner bastions all had to be redone. I ran out of ossarium panels...
  11. Blackadder

    Blackadder's Imperator Titan Build

    Oh yeah; all the leg, hip, waist, shoulder, arm, neck etc. joints are poseable. The only thing it cannot do that the Warlord can is swing the hip joints fore and aft which isn't a big loss because the foot pads prevent that movement anyway. All my models are fully poseable; on the Warhound even...
  12. Blackadder

    Blackadder's Imperator Titan Build

    Armour Continued: The decorative armour seems to be more difficult than I anticipated. My version of the Sun Blaster is more robust that the FW cannon so it requires some aesthetic compromises which I hope will work out. I scribed out some lines to show where the plate reinforcement strips...
  13. Blackadder

    Blackadder's Imperator Titan Build

    Laser Blaster Armour and Shroud It's finally time to address the armour for the arm weapons. I've been putting this off long enough. One of the things I have been noticing in many attempts to build one of these hulking monstrosities is the walls of the cannons (in this case Blasters) and the...
  14. Blackadder

    Blackadder's Imperator Titan Build

    Ha, My frustration provoked a lot of responses. Thanks for all the commiseration. I wasn't as all that upset but I was astounded at the detail.
  15. Blackadder

    Blackadder's Imperator Titan Build

    Relegated to the stone age. I've been too long in the manufacture of this model and 3D printing technology has consigned me to the dust bin of "also ran." I was quite proud of my recently manufactured spires until I saw this Emperor Titan. How' I supposed to compete with that! Look at the...
  16. Blackadder

    Blackadder's Imperator Titan Build

    A weeks worth of work Where I attempted to replicate the leg armour in the hip area. Since this is supposed to be an ornamented version of a Emperor Titan as opposed to my Lucius pattern Warlord I am proceeding with the decorative armour. This will set the pattern fo all the armour on...
  17. Blackadder

    Blackadder's Imperator Titan Build

    Now explain the explanation.... Sheesh! I'll stick with the piano.
  18. Blackadder

    Blackadder's Imperator Titan Build

    Violin, An ideal time to ask what has been perplexing me for years... I understand the frets on a guitar and a banjo but for the life of me I cannot figure out how you know where you put your fingers on the neck of a violin to get the proper note. It must be very difficult to learn the...
  19. Blackadder

    Blackadder's Imperator Titan Build

    Joint Armour I've thought about this a lot over the past few months and nothing I could come up with filled the bill of what I am looking for. The joint armour must cover the knee and hip joint but still not be bulky and clumsy looking. It must be logical and functional but still be pleasing...
  20. Blackadder

    Blackadder's Imperator Titan Build

    We're back ( I hope for good ) To tell the truth I've been busy with local politics and have not had time to work on this project for the past four months. I'll scrounge around for some update images. Last week I totally disassembled the model to make ready to work on the upper deck. I...