

New Member
May 2, 2008
Lichfield, UK
Excellent idea! Never seen this idea before on a message board system/forum before. Very much like game consoles achievements. I like to think it encourages visits and posts. Nice one.

Need more trophies.

Some ideas for trophies.

Up/down loaded a model

Up loaded a photo

Joined a zealot Twitter/Facebook account (done that on twitter. Can I have a trophy please ;-))

Posted on each board section/area

first day i logged in to the new forum i saw these trophie thingies and was trippin out.
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I am glad that you like them!
I will talk to the IT Liaison and see what all can be done with these trophies and see what can be done with customizing them.
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I saw them also and wondered what was up with them.
Are they just bells and whistles for now?

OH, and what are the points thats listed with my info in the up-right corner?

For right now, the trophies are (for the most part) just "bells & whistles".
I talk to the IT liaison and figure out how to edit and creat more, I am hoping that they can be used to encourage more participation.
Once I find out more, I will make an announcement as to what the trophies are, how they work, how to earn more.
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OK, I know it's an old thread,but why have the trophies/points stopped?

Got my 100th like a week or so ago & still waiting for my trophy.....

These trophies are just really for show. They have no real meaning, other than self gratification.
This is a feature that can with the platform once we transferred over from the VBulletin platform.
Although you should get your "100th Like" Trophy soon. It does take the system a little while to kick in.
Here's a temporary one to hold you over. She was not a great model maker, but appreciated them vicariously. (not really, it's made or Marble) :)

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Though you'd like that. :)
I got a trophy the other day does it show up some place? just wondering
That is a very good question. The answer (unfortunately) is no. The "trophies" (trophy points) are used to promote a members status from "New Member" to "Member" and to "Senior" member. I am sorry for any confusion that this may have caused.