Taylor Creek Tramway - A young modeller's Adventure


PRO:Pain In The Behind
Nov 19, 2007
Tasmania, Australia
Gday all,
Some of you may remember some time ago now (maybe two years or so back?) i was after information on Sn2 modelling?, well i have been busy of late, after some freelanced HOn30 modelling and some 4mm scale modelling i moved onto the unique scale of 1/35th on 9mm gauge, representing a 12" gauge agricultural tramway.

All Rollingstock and Loco's are either Scratchbuilt or Heavily Kitbashed from items of different scales. The loco's aren't based on "real" prototypes, but when being built plausability was something i strived to achieve.

Whilst i do have my original concept sketch and construction pictures avaliable, my computer seems to be hating me a bit at the moment, so i'll just show some current photo's.
I'll let the pictures do the talking:

And setup for it's debut show in March:

And was featured in Carl Arendt's Small layout scrapbook (see:http://www.carendt.com/scrapbook/page98/index.html)
If you have any questions please feel free to ask! :mrgreen::thumb:


That is a very nice mini layout. I enjoy the colors and the way it all fits together so well. What is the principal industry modeled??

As we say in the Southern USA "You done good."

Doc Tom:thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb:

That is a very nice mini layout. I enjoy the colors and the way it all fits together so well. What is the principal industry modeled??

As we say in the Southern USA "You done good."

Doc Tom:thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb:

Cheers Doc Tom,
The main industry was meant to be an Olive Growing Indutry, but over time i seem to have strayed away from that a bit with mixed freight taking priority, although Olives are the main product.

The colouring of the scenery was influenced by the local Tasmanian bush in Summer (Tasmania, Australia)

Cheers Doc Tom,
The main industry was meant to be an Olive Growing Indutry, but over time i seem to have strayed away from that a bit with mixed freight taking priority, although Olives are the main product.

The colouring of the scenery was influenced by the local Tasmanian bush in Summer (Tasmania, Australia)


Very good Nathan. Olive oil is a very unique industry for a model RR.

There are some very fine modelers in Australia and it appears you are learning from them as your work is very good.

I also love all the place names.......Tasmania, OZ etc. you all have in the land down under.

Doc Tom:thumb:
Hi Nathan,

Nice job, mate!!

Good to see some young blood in amongst us 'oldies'.

Keep up the good work, and don't let anyone ever tell you not to follow your dreams. :thumb:

(I LOVE Tassie!!!.......especially the NW corner...:yep:)
