New Contest This one is for a Prize


Aug 4, 2002
pepperell, ma
Want to get something for free?
Want to see a building you designed turned in to a kit?

Well here’s your chance.

This contest is being run by MinuteMan Scale Models. We are a laser kit manufacturer based out of Townsend MA.

Here is the contest, it will start September 19, 2007 and end October 19, 2007.

The Rules

Design a building of your own design or from a proto type. No copying of plans in books.

Produce a floor plan and elevation drawings showing window and door placement and size, along with size of walls . These do not need to be computer drawn. Hand drawn sketches are perfectly fine.

The only thing we can not do at this time is a brick building. We can do brick foundations and starts but not a complete building.

Once a winning building design has been picked by myself and the members of this forum. I will be in contact with the winning designer to work out all the details of the plan.

Once all details are worked out I will convent the plan into cad drawings and then convert the cad drawings in to laser ready artwork. Once the laser is set up a test cut will be made and a pilot model built. And shown here on the Gauge.

Once all the bugs are worked out and the designer approves the building it will go in to production.

What the winning designer wins.

His or her design turned in to a commercially available kit.
One of there kits free. And any kit after at a 40 % discount.
An article written for one of the major modeling magazines.
And the bragging rights to there kit.
Each kit will have a write up in it telling how the kit came to be.

All gauge members can also buy this kit at a 10% discount.

If you have any questions feel free to ask.
Shop Phone 978-597-2600

Let the fun begin.

Thank you
Shawn Cavaretta
Minute Man Scale Models

This is the kind of thing that is right up my alley! Hmmm, what should I design...:confused: Can you do log cabins?
Hmmm... sounds like a neat contest to me. Can the building be constructed out of, say, leftovers from other projects? This could go hand in hand with the parts box contest maybe?
Allrighty then, may I be the first?
This design was taken from an actual building. I called 'em up and got permission to come down and take some pictures and measurements here and there.


I then took some design liberties and came up with this...(as you can tell, I did not put in all the detail as there would have been so many vertical lines, it would have been hard to tell what's what).



Awesome building. do you have measurements or is that drawn to scale?

i think this is going to be a fun contest and will be hard to pick winner
Yeah, this should be fun as well as a challenge. It does present a quandary, it's tough to choose a subject structure.

Just one question, out of curiosity. Are you running similar contest on other sites, or just on the Gauge? I also want everyone that enters to know that this contest is not sponsored by the Gauge or Zealot in any way. We have no problems with you running it, but it is your responsibility. It appears to be a win-win situation, so good luck to all who enter, and good luck to you Shawn.:thumb: :thumb:
The-Gauge is the only site I am running it on. After I see the results I will try other sites. I have been a member here for years so I wanted to start here. Sorry that I did not mention that the-gauge and zealot was not sponsoring this contest.


The-Gauge is the only site I am running it on. After I see the results I will try other sites. I have been a member here for years so I wanted to start here. Sorry that I did not mention that the-gauge and zealot was not sponsoring this contest.


Thanks Shawn, that is a complement to our members. And no problems, I just wanted to avert any possible misconception, that's all.
If this goes well I will run this contest twice a year. On average it takes me 1 month form concept to packaged kit. My problem is I am running out of ideas fast. I have about 60 buildings designed and 5 kits that are just about to be released. I am a one man show. I go out in the field and look for buildings to model then photograph and measure them, do the rough sketches, the cad drawings. Then do the test cut and test build. Write the instructions and cut and package the kits. And love every minute of it. But I need some new ideas to keep the kits coming and I hope the gauge members will help with this.
I like your brand name, it sounds American-ish :p . Do you plan on distributing them by internet only or shipping to hobby shops? If it's the latter, I can get you into contact with an up and comming hobby shop in my area if you want. They are growing all the time, but their slection of structures is poor IMO.
We will be selling on the internet throught our website but will also be selling to discount to hobby shops

here is the contact infor

MinuteMan Scale Models
18 Main Street Suite 102
Townsend, MA 01469

Phone 978-597-2600
Fax 978-597-1990




I like your brand name, it sounds American-ish :p . Do you plan on distributing them by internet only or shipping to hobby shops? If it's the latter, I can get you into contact with an up and comming hobby shop in my area if you want. They are growing all the time, but their slection of structures is poor IMO.
Second up is a little farm house in Laveen, AZ. This little house was in the way of a new power corridor and was scheduled for demolition. We were hired to come in and document it for historical purposes and it ended up being saved.
As you can see on the plan, the family expanded and needed another bedroom so they knocked out a window in the bathroom and added another bedroom off the side of the house. Kind of a weird plan but I guess when you need another bedroom...
This is actually a brick house but I think it could be depicted as any type of construction really. Again, I removed all texture as it needlessly cluttered the drawings. Sorry, but I could not find a photograph of the house. If you need one, I suppose I could drive down there and take one.


On the front elevation, the porch roof is supported by some Corinthian columns. The front door and window also have wrought iron bars on them.


Right side elevation... The back porch and office were also added on at a later time.


Rear elevation... again with wrought iron on the door and windows. The porch is also screened in.


Left side elevation showing the added on bedroom....


In person, this little house gave me the feeling that it was solid as a rock and wold not fall down on its own any day soon.