HellBoy Bust WIP

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Apr 2, 2006
Hi guys :wave:

Just thought I'd give you all a quick peek of my next little project.

The 3D work is pretty much done - now need to shove it through Pepakura and then apply some textures (Anyone know an easy way to apply textures to 3D model - i.e. maybe paint interactively etc.)

The whole thing is inspired by the awesome work of Ivar over at conceptart.org :eek: - Once I saw his HellBoy bust I knew I'd have to make one myself :twisted:
Hellboy bust and matrix mold making tutorial - ConceptArt.org Forums

Anyway I hope I've got you Hellboy fans starting to sweat a little :mrgreen:

Best Regards


Thanks guys :thumb:

I have to say I'm quite pleased with it.

I'm also hoping that the angular nature of the model will mean less work post-Pepakura than is usually required.

We shall see.

Best Regards


Would you consider make the Samaritian Gun after this model?
That would be an excellent addition to the bust

Keep up the great work
Paul, Another great model to build. Can't wait to get it. Telman :thumb:
Brad Tate, designer of the Akira bike, is working on a paper model of the Samaritan Gun
Paul, Another great model to build. Can't wait to get it. Telman :thumb:

Cheers Telman :mrgreen:

If you fancy doing a ceta build let me know.


Would you consider make the Samaritian Gun after this model?
That would be an excellent addition to the bust

Keep up the great work

Brad Tate, designer of the Akira bike, is working on a paper model of the Samaritan Gun

:twisted: Oh yeah.....Now that's what I'm talking about!

Don't you just love paper modelling :cool:

BTW - Don't want to get everyone too overly excited, but for some time I've been considering a 1:1 scale model of the movie version of the Right Hand of Doom...
unfortunately, Brad does not have a webpage for his work,
He emailed some of the pictures to Mike Hungerford, and Mike then shared it with his email list

Moving house ATM, so doing bits when I can.

I'm currently trying to get together a decent texture map for the model. I want the model to look like it's made from the same sorth of material as the hellboy hand - that weathered red stone look.

Reckon I should have something workable in the next few weeks.

Feel free to kick my @ss if I slack off again :mrgreen:


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