let the insanity begin


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2023
well, here goes nothing.....gulp
the rather large model that is Bhaads Warhammer 40k Warhound Titan. This build is going to take a while, so ill be doing it amongst other builds over time.
The model is 29 pages of very detailed parts and instructions. Alongside this ive looked into some build videos on youtube so will progress on this slowly and carefully. This is one of those wishlist kits that i never thought i would get the chance to build, even like this (which is better imho) so i hope to do a good job as this will be in honour of my youngest, and painted in (i hope) a fashion he'd like.
So, pages printed, other bits n bobs ordered and in (straws, wire, other gsm card etc) Once printed all the pages were sealed with matt clear acrylic varnish.
It will be painted with acrylics as i go along, and will hopefully have a decent scenic base to go along with it.
Now i just need an appointment with a psychiatrist and to find part 1.....
keep em peeled :hammerhead:

Good luck and god speed on this titanic of Titan builds... I'm sure you'l do your boy proud

Question, not knowing much about these, what scale are we looking at here?
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Good luck and god speed on this titanic of Titan builds... I'm sure you'l do your boy proud

Question, not knowing much about these, what scale are we looking at here?
hoping so lol, taking this one v e r y slowly lol
As for the model, the resin version of this kit measures around 10.5 inches high, depending how you pose it (this titan is small to medium on the scale of these machines - its classed as a scout titan) I chose this one to do first as its the smaller of the kits, and didnt want to overwhelm myself by diving in at the stupidly deep end lol
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so heres the first bit so far......starting with part 1
Starting at the bottom (literally) with the feet - the first part to build is the centre section (01) that the toes and ankle joint will attach to.

The sheet is 2 lots of the same parts, Ive cut out one side but the other is still yet to do so it looks like this:
This was printed on 210gsm card and is made up of several parts and areas to cut out (marked with X) The centre top has a hole that will house the ankle socket (the comb looking shape on the page) and its mounting ring (which I mounted on 2mm greyboard) Upon this are placed 5 small brackets that are the base for 5 poseable pistons (to be added) that along with poseable toes allow you to position the joints if you desire a more dynamic posture. (personally playing it safe and having the model in a static pose lol) The areas for parts to be mounted on are marked with a grid pattern to help with placement. Once all done youll end up with 2 centre parts that look something like these:
Letting this dry overnight and then ill get onto the toes........:bulgeeye:
Talk about "off with a great start" !! :)
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so im currently working on the toes - there are 4 on each foot, the front 3 having pistons that would aid in moving them - when it comes to making the pistons (which are tiny) im thinking of using cocktail stick/straws/cake (lollipop) sticks as the tiny size of some of the rods will be a bit of a nightmare to roll lol :hammerhead:
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im still here, fighting my way through a mountain of card and glue lol :biggrin: believe it or not im still working on the feet, getting a cpl hours in a day to work away at them they are slowly coming along. This is very much going to be a build & paint by sections job, as once it starts going together i wont be able to get to some areas again. My thoughts so far on this beast is be aware of all the fine detail, and have a rough plan on how you want to display it before you get going. There are spots you dont need to go into the full 'hardcore' detail if you dont wish to (depending how masochistic you are lol) but for me im doing as much as i myself need and am happy with (about 95%) Its definitely a 'step up' the technical ladder and a build i would do only if youve got some experience behind you - but if you have the confidence - go for it - but for me, this will be a slow and steady build that is not going to be done quickly lol Anyway heres a few pics of the work so far - more soon :toast:
one of the sheets showing parts for toes and joints
toes and detail cut out, joints ready to go

toes knuckles and joints well under way, placed in position
almost ready to fix in place, then pistons for each toe and on to the ankle - once thats done ill paint these parts before moving on to the leg section
The ball is a 20mm wood ball used for the main joints which allows you to position a part how youd like.
More soon (ergh!:laughrolling:)