Imperial Lambda-class T-4a shuttle TYDIRIUM

Thank you, I have a suprice Im working on the gargo bay. I will show it this weekend.
AWESOME! I was already thinking about what it might be. A Blurrg? A rathtar? A Wookie commando? A rehab center for zombified Stormtroopers? So many possibilities... But no, it was TIN FOIL! AND IT LOOKS GREAT! :)
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Now I want to finish the cockpit. I started with the main dash.
Parts cut, scored and pre folded.
I have used a glue tab from left overs.
Next are the floor plates and the cockpit rear wall.
And a found a small error.
I removed some small slises and it fits like a glove.
All parts cut, scored and pre formed.
All parts in place.
Last part for today the instrument dash.
Tomorow its time to assemble all the instruments and seats.
The seats really each look just like each other. They look mass-produced. That's a great achievement!!! You're going to end up with a model that you can be proud of for decades to come. :)
The seats really each look just like each other. They look mass-produced. That's a great achievement!!! You're going to end up with a model that you can be proud of for decades to come. :)
I have to say it felt like a mass production during the assembly of it. Tofay I hope to finish the inside of the cockpit.
I continued with the instrumentpanels.
Parts cut, scored and formed.
Not sure if I need to use the red curcled parts. Cant find them in the instructions.
Update 2024 02 23 these parts are needed for joining the back of the cockpit to the fuselage.
Here some pictures of assembling the instruments.
As you can see the panel at the rear wall is wrong. When I checked the desugnersbuild it has to look like this.
No problem we will modify this part by cutting the sude open.
And now it fits correctly.
Next up the seats. I didnt like the standard seat orientation so I changed it to get more live in the cockpit.
And some extra shots.
Nect I will work on the nose section.
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I would paint the edges of the interior pieces as long as you can still access them. A light grey marker with a pointy tip should do. It's worth the effort. :)
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Front section is finished.
parts cut.
Grill assembled, its a very fragile part so be carefull.
Bottom part I have used thin stivker label as a glue tab.
And a overall shot of the nose and bottom.
Im now cutting the cockpit hul and the window. I will assemble it during the week.
The interior came out excellent. The whole model is coming out excellent!! :)
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Lets continue with the last cockpit parts.
First cut the window and glue it.
Then use thin sticker label to attache the top.
Then start gluing the front side on the frame and work your way back.
And finaly glue the nose vin.
And the cockpit is finished.
Finaly I can start building the wings.
Just as well you didn't throw the circled parts away, as the were for joining the back of the cockpit to the fuselage?

Good progress
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