New to card models

Just thought I would post where I am at this point. Had a few flaws but I am learning.
I am glad to see that you have not given up on this project! You are doing a great job on this project! Keep up the great work!

When I first started building template kit models, the very first one that I built was the Thunder Fighter from Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (designed by Martin Saenger). When I finished it, it looked worse than a dog's dinner. However, I rebuilt it several times, before I (finally) figured out what I was doing wrong. It just takes time and patience. You can do this!
Thanks for the encouragement. I am not giving up. The advice about treating each piece as a separate build is helping. I will keep you all posted. :)
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I agree, the Sherman looks great, keep on going on! :)
I have had printer problems too, ever since the last windows update. I re-installed the software and updated that. Then I unplugged my printer and re-connected all wires to it. after a few restarts, problems solved.
I have had printer problems too, ever since the last windows update. I re-installed the software and updated that. Then I unplugged my printer and re-connected all wires to it. after a few restarts, problems solved.
I need to figure out how to make exact copies of cards. The colors seem to come off a bit off.
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Sometimes it hapens to my printings too. Most of the time it helps to use an other program to print your template. Maybe you can try this.
Is it better to scan the original and then

I am going to try scanning and also settings to PHOTOS. Thanks
If you are referring to scanning professionally printed templates that you have purchased and then printing out the scanned copy, yes! I have always recommended doing such. That way, if you make a mistake, you can always print a new set of parts to fix (or rebuild) the model.
With the templates that you (may) have downloaded, I suggest printing them out with the PHOTO settings on your printer.
If your printer has a "INKJET PRINT" mode, set your printer to that. Granted, it may take longer to print. However, you should have good results from the printing.
Thanks for your words of encouragement, they help to keep me going. Just started working on the treads and it looks like I have my work cut out for me. I will need plenty of patients for this part of the build.
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