A.P. Tucker Spaceship from the Classic Lost in Space


Active Member
Mar 9, 2018
Morning Model Maniacs, welcome to my next project. This is a bit of an odd and obscure project which makes it right up my ally. Growing up I was a huge fan of this show Lost in Space, and couldn't get enough of it. This ship specific appeared in the first season, episode 18 called "The Space Pirate" staring Albert Salmi. In this episode Tucker (Albert Salmi) landed on the same planet as our hero family, the Robinson's. This episode was a pivotal episode in the series because it is where they turned this cutting edge SciFi action adventure show and made it campy. The way it would be for the rest of its 3 year run.



The Ship


A.P. Tucker and his trusty sidekick, Nic. Like most actors of the day, Albert appeared in just about any and all TV series of the 60's and 70's. He passed away in the early 90s but while he was never really that STAR actor he sure made his imprint on in the TV world. If some of you are having a tough time placing him you might remember his role in the smash movie Caddyshack starring Bill Murray. He played Mr Noonan



As for our subject, I found this on Thingiverse. I will post the link for anyone that may want to give this print a try


I printed all but one of the 6 parts on my Elegoo Neptune2 printer. The smallest part, the wheel for the hatch has failed to print every time I tried. I may have to order some resin and break open my Elegoo Mars Pro2 printer in order to print this last part. I used Hatchbox black PLA. I increased the size to 268.31%

The base


The main body


The beacon for the top


The stairs


The hatch


A rough mock up of the ship


There is no doubt that anyone with good knife stills and some understanding of electronics could make an impressive lighted display with this but I'm not that guy. So this will just be a static display.

Till next time...

B - Strong
I have to say that is a very interesting looking ship. Your 3D printed model turned out GREAT!!!

This is just a rough mock-up, I need to clean up the parts and of course there will be lots of layer lines that need to be sorted out as well before I even begin any painting or assembly
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