Dimorphodon by Strick67, Take two...

That print out looks good!
Thank you.
It is whole... And looks to be the same size as my first one.

This mornings update is simple.
My homemade wet pallet, sourced with a food storage container from Wal-Mart, paper towel as my sponge, and parchment paper as my damp surface.

We'll see how it works.
That is looking really good!!!
Looking good.
Sorry to hear about your printing frustrations. Desktop printers can be tricky, I've lost count of the paper and ink I've wasted over the years trying to get certain things to print properly.

Nice improvising on the wet palette.
Thank you both, yea I'm actually surprised how well my little sandwich keeper wet pallet is working. Day 4 for it and my paints and glue are still viable.
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Todays update, Part 3 cut out and preformed.

Part 4 cut out and preformed.

Both parts edge colored.

Both parts glued.

And my Amazon purchase, a 6 pack of different size hemostats, 3 straight, and 3 curved.

A going away cook out later this afternoon, for my Daughter-in-law's STG2 friend, so probably nothing more done today.
Even though it is shorter, it still looks good! Everything appears to be lined up properly. There is a smooth transition from one part to the other.
Even though it is shorter, it still looks good! Everything appears to be lined up properly. There is a smooth transition from one part to the other.
Nice head you have don't lose it....
Thank you both.

The instructions call for the tail to be built next, then I'll be "caught up" to where I was.
I got more work done on the right wing last night and this morning.

Right wing front and back halves joined.

Right wing root cut out and preformed.

Right wing root edge colored...

And attached to right wing.

Next working on the right wrist membrane...