5 foot - Titanic - (Taschen Paper Model Build)


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2013
Santa Clarita, California
I was just reminiscing on building this model of the Titanic some years ago. It was the first paper model I had built. I bought the model off Amazon and it was in a book form. I plan to put lights inside in the future. I really enjoyed building this model.

  • Model Specifications:
  • Manufacturer: Taschen - The Complete Guide to Building the Titanic
  • Source: Used Book Store
  • Length: 53 inches
  • Material: Thin Cardboard (Index paper thickness)
  • 200 plus parts requiring precise cutout.
  • Tools: X-Acto knives, razor blades, pins, thread, super-glue, white glue, pencil, ink pens, custom made tools - hole punch, building board, masking tape, etc.
  • Scale: 1:200 (1 inch = 200 inches)
  • Build Time: 18 months (approximately)
  • Model Hull Type: Waterline model (meaning that the model represents being partially submerged to the waterline)
The release of the 2012 remake of the color version of the Titanic movie in 3D inspired me to build this model. It was built from a used book from Taschen, a German book manufacturer. The model is quite well detailed, and large at around 5 feet from bow to stern. The book provided some interesting detail of the ship together with some historical photographs. This has been my first paper/cardboard model project :)

The Build

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This looks like a fun kit and the result is very convincing. I would have recessed the windows but for your first paper model it looks awesome! The lines are very crisp and clean. Great job! I'm sure the model will look even better with lights inside. I didn't know that Taschen released paper model books. They got my attention recently with their budget version release of the "Star Wars Archive". :)
Great work! I have the book in a box. Really impressive and really clean work.
Great build!

Wat is the name of the book that this kit came from?
I believe this is the one:

If you're in Europe, I'm sure Amazon UK or Amazon Germany will also have the book listed as well.
If you made a cut out, and put one of these models on each foot, you could walk across the Atlantic, barring hitting any Ice Bergs. I believe they call them "Jesus Feet". ;)

Superb build by the way, when they get big like that any flaws would just scream out, but I don't hear or see anything! :)

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