Forum is up, back in business Start Posting

Well, the new broom sweeps clean and the software people, as usual, were trying to re-invent the wheel. I thought for awhile that I would be locked out of Zealot for good. Now, hopefully soon, the photos will come back. LOL.

Have fun modeling, Swamp Daddy
Tapatalk screwed us big time, and whatever was lost is gone. They did not (THEY SAY) have a recent image, and gave us an old one. Many pictures,, posts and threads, around 6 weeks worth were lost. Everything was tried but to no avail. It's gone.

We have the latest version of Xenforo, and a new owner who is very interested in the forum, and has shown it be his investment of cold hard cash. We should be happy we didn't lose our community. I apologize for what was lost, but it was out of the hands of everyone who tried. There is no way to get back what wasn't backed up.

I hereby condemn Tapatalk for all of eternity!!!
Tapatalk screwed us big time, and whatever was lost is gone. They did not (THEY SAY) have a recent image, and gave us an old one. Many pictures,, posts and threads, around 6 weeks worth were lost. Everything was tried but to no avail. It's gone.

I just verified my last thread about the Apollo CM, but the last post with pics dated may the 29th and all the pics are lost. Not only the last 6 weeks but all the pics of the thread are lost, and I put all the pics on the forum, following your suggestion not to use external links to avoid losing them in the future.
The latest events leave me much to think about
What is there to think about? Everyone lost the last 6 weeks of their posts.

Migrating data is very difficult, and if one party does not keep their end of the deal up, then the other party gets screwed. Not one person involved in this except the 3rd party hosting (Tapatalk)company has any culpability. Tapatalk screwed us.

We have a new forum, the Latest Xenforo software platform, with a brand new dedicated fast server now located in the U.S. We now have an owner who is interested in bringing this forum to it's fullest potential. He has fixed access to the Resource section, and wishes to further enhance the forum once we are sure the platform is stable. We could have easily been closed, and lost the community.

I believe all in all, we have been fortunate that our Patron has taken great interest in us, and am grateful, that after losing an unheard amount of money, he has decided to keep us going. This forum has run in the RED since it's inception, now it's going to turn around.

This is a new beginning. Let's be real, it's the community here that makes this forum special, and that community is still here. Let's persevere, and move forward.

Let's have a rational perspective now, Zealot is back, with a new modern platform, a dedicated server, and a dedicated owner. What else could we ask for? :)
What pics I still have, I'll try and add back to my threads, but I lost a bunch of data 2 computers ago... :(
Dear friends,

I am so glad that this forum is slowly getting back to "normal".

I wholeheartedly agree with John / Zathros.

We are all in the same boat, let's stick together and make it sail to new greatness.

A BIG THANK YOU to our new owner.

Okay folks technical question here, what are the upload limits for pictures, size of pic and file size?
trying to get the pics I still have re-posted.
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I made a post about this already. We have lost 6 weeks of posts because Tapatalk screwed us. There is nothing we can do about it. We have tried, Tapatalk says they only had an old image, which means they don't back up their forums and I pity anyone who does business with them, as they will suffer as we did. It's not like they advertise, "Hey, if you leave, we're going to screw you over".

The last 6 weeks are gone and there is nothing that can be done. On the other hand, we have a brand new software platform, the latest version, a new server, very fast, and should no longer have the problems that plagued us before. Let's be happy, we have the Resource section back, and everything works. We will be getting a Front Page soon too. That means model of the month swill be appearing again, on the front page with some other goodies. Stay tuned to this channel, do not touch that dial.

Don't Dial.jpg
I did not like Tapatalk version. This one lookes very good and user-friendly.
It is a pity, that many photos are gone, but as Zathros said - nothing can bring them back.
So concentrate on the new forum and the great and very helpful people which are the heart of this forum.
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I made a post about this already. We have lost 6 weeks of posts [...]

Zathros, I don't understand: you say we lost photos and posts until 6 weeks ago, so I have to expect not to have lost what I published until 17th of June or at worst until the third of june. But why the first post on my thread about the Apollo CM ( 18 jan 2019 ) did lost every picture i uploaded on the forum? Do you think that you are able to restore the pictures?

I do not know why Tapatalk had not kept up with image backups. I am now discovering that many pictures are missing. I have spoken to the owner, he has contacted the I.T. involved, and the "Image" Tapatalk gave us is all they have or are willing to give up. This has affected everyone. There is no way I know of to recover the images. If they weren't saved or backed up by the hosting service, they no longer exist. No one saw this coming, and there was no way too. I don't know what else to tell you. The situation sucks, I know, I have been answering many many P.M.'s about this but this is out of my control, and even out of the new forum owner's control. We got screwed. We now host ourselves, on a private server, and back up the image constantly so this should never happen again. We have the the latest software. That is the best we can do. I have informed everyone who needs to know that the pictures are missing, but the answer is the same, there is no way to recover the pictures.

Let's move forward, the threads that exist and are missing pictures can have the pictures put back in the the original posters. Some people have lost their whole threads. The general consensus, and I agree, is that we have to pull ourselves by the bootstraps and keep going forward, fix what we can, and get back to what we were doing.

Hi all: Being a pack rat, I save nearly everything. My photos are all saved and I am diligently putting them back in. I am sticking with the 1000 pixel (biggest size) limit and they look good so far. Saving everything is why I am running 6 (physical) hard drives on my computer plus over 200 backup discs starting with CDs years back and now using DVDs and occasionally dual layer DVDs these days. I urge everyone to institute a backup system for their archival data; so, when things like this site mess happen you won't be caught short. Yep, like everything, this takes time. The problem I have with so much saved data of all kinds is finding it when I need it. ;) My index is primitive (takes so much time typing) and often a large disc must be searched for a photo; but, it sure beats losing everything.

Save your data, Swamp Daddy
I now simply go to ''WHAT'S NEW'' and that gives me recent relevant posts. I read those then go to the bell icon near my name and email and search upper right, and see if there are any replies to my posts. I hate change too, but its really just settling back in, and if things are better then its worth it. Thanks Zathros.
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We are missing a vast amount of the Resources, but still have a lot of models. Like I stated, there are going to be some bumps, but they will be in trying to restore what's been lost. The forum is working great!! :)
I want everyone to understand that the previous owner of this Forum did not hand over an "image" to the new owner. The new owner put vast resources into extracting what data he could, and that combined with Tapatalk's horrid service has put us into the situation we are in now.

We have a beautiful forum that works great. We have lost data and pictures, but that has happened on many forums, there is no guarantee. This is a free forum to join and us. Please, keep that in mind, for those of you who are 'upset", to keep things in perspective.

This forum could have easily just disappeared, but we didn't and only our new proprietor has saved it, not any other person, not me, not anyone else in this forum.

So this is where we are at, what you see is what you get, and we got a lot. It's like your car got stolen, and the thief took your camera and some personal possessions. You can't get them back, but the Police have returned your car, and it has been completely restored, you had a Chevy Chevette stolen, and got a Ferrari LaFerrari returned to you. I'll go with the loss, and take the new vehicle for our forum. We are ahead of the game, any way that you look at it. :hide:thumbsup:bowdown:Claphands:cool::Drinks: