"PaperLaul's Terminator 2: Hunter Killer Aerial - by DanBKing"

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Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm. ~ Abraham Lincoln

A small update on this project.....

I finished making the legs and attached them firmly to the pods. And of course, I had to test them..........

So, let me remind you: I have never seen a picture anywhere of this version of the Hunter Killer in landed mode, with the landing legs in use.......

The following two pictures are a WORLD FIRST and EXCLUSIVE to Zealot!

May I present, the (still to be finished and painted,) Hunter Killer Aerial, landed!!!

View attachment 156896 View attachment 156897

See ya'll very soon with more updates to this project.


Hey master builder welcome back! :):animated:

Love the legs!:Drinks:

Sky Seeker
Thanks for the comments people.

Here is a small update......

I have, at last, attached the roof to the model and added all the extra panelling from spare pieces of card stock.....

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While this was drying, I made up the two side panels and attached them to the fuselage.
I temporarily attached the engines to see how it all looks.......

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I have a few small details to finish off, but the bird is about ready for the paint shop.....
I want to give it a few coats of primer to blend everything in, and I can also get a clearer picture how everything looks in one uniform colour.

But even now, the model is looking the part ....... ;)

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See you all soon.

Hope it doesn't crawl away when I'm not looking!!


source: http://new1.fjcdn.com/pictures/Doctor_45c4b0_647386.jpg

AWESOME BLING!!! Now it looks like a FLYING insect..! BZZZZZZZZZ.... BZZZZZZZZZZ..!!! :D
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