I have cancer.

I wish I could walk 2 miles!! Keep doing it and more if you can. Slowly of course, but it is so vital to realize we are beings subject to entropy, and you youngsters need to ride that wave as long as you can, because I don't care who you are, that wave underneath you will peter out and hit the beach. Yes, Life is a beach. :)
Well done R-B, keep it up, and increase in small steps, when you're comfortable with the current level. You don't want to go too big straight away! I remember when I did a timed cycle race, the 94.7 in 2010 with no training. It's 94.7km (59 miles), couldn't walk the day after! Learned that leason the hard way...
Well done R-B, keep it up, and increase in small steps, when you're comfortable with the current level. You don't want to go too big straight away! I remember when I did a timed cycle race, the 94.7 in 2010 with no training. It's 94.7km (59 miles), couldn't walk the day after! Learned that leason the hard way...
When I was living in Seattle, I use to ride my bicycle quite often. There is a fundraising bike race called "The Seattle to Portland Race" (STP race). It starts in Seattle, WA. and ends in Portland, OR. It is about 200 miles (321.87 Km). I wanted to do it, however there was always something that would come up that I needed to deal with and not be able to train properly for it. I may someday decide to take the time to do such.
I learned that Richard Hatch passed away yesterday from Pancreatic Cancer. I would like to convey my deepest and sincere condolences to his family.
I had the wonderful opportunity to meet him in Seattle at Galacticon-4. He was a wonderful person and great to talk to.

During my battle with cancer, I found out that there are (in fact) two different types of Pancreatic Cancer. The first one is where the tumor grows inside the Pancreas (which is very common and has a very high mortality rate). The second kind is where the tumor grows on the outside of the Pancreas (it is a 1/100,000 chance of getting this type as opposed to getting the first. It also has a 100% survival rate if caught early enough for surgery). Fortunately for me I had the type that grows on the outside of the Pancreas (and was able to catch it in stage one).

My advice to everyone is; if you feel pain in the left side of your abdomen, do not pass it off as a side stitch. Get it checked out. Granted, it may be just a side stitch but it could also be a warning sign that you may have Pancreatic Cancer.

R.I.P. Richard Hatch. You will be sorely missed.
I'm glad you're doing better. Diagnosing it so early is incredibly good luck, so many get diagnosed at stage 4 because pancreatic cancer rarely present with symptoms till much later.
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Just to let everyone know, I had another appointment with my doctor a few days ago and I have been given a clean and clear bill of health.
I am also going back to school. I am studying to be a Paralegal. I am finishing up my first term. I should be graduating in September of 2018.
My eventual goal is to work for the District Attorney's office. Hopefully I will reach that goal.
You didn't choose your signature just because it sounds good: it is a specific commitment, and you're honoring it the best way!
Well done my friend!

Interestingly enough, I went to a technical school for business years ago. I had to come up with a business motto. I came up with this because I was tired when I started to show interest in something and wanted to do it, people would tell me that it could not be done, and decided to use it for the mock business motto. Since then, I have been applying it to everything that I do in every day life.
Just to let everyone know, I had another appointment with my doctor a few days ago and I have been given a clean and clear bill of health.
I am also going back to school. I am studying to be a Paralegal. I am finishing up my first term. I should be graduating in September of 2018.
My eventual goal is to work for the District Attorney's office. Hopefully I will reach that goal.

Just catching up...Wonderful news all around.. !!
as a side note..my mom in her mid-fifties got her paralegal and ended up working for our congressman, so you never know what great things will await you!
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I am finishing my first term tomorrow (Thursday). I got decent grades this term. I got an "A" in the three Paralegal classes and Typing, a "B" in Sociology, and a "C" in English College writing. I start my second term on Monday.
I will keep you updated on how the next term goes.