TOS Enterprise Bridge build

This is really coming together beautifully! I will be using this thread as a guide when I am able to build it!
I may even repaint Tirick's figurines in (TOS) Star Fleet uniform to man the controls. ;)
What scale is this model?
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This is really coming together beautifully! I will be using this thread as a guide when I am able to build it!
I may even repaint Tirick's figurines in (TOS) Star Fleet uniform to man the controls. ;)
What scale is this model?
Thanks! The bridge model is 1:50, non-standard I know. I had designed the largest part to fit on either an 8-1/2 x 11 or A4 sheet of paper so that is why it is scaled like that.

I have two additional versions of the bridge that is designed to fit onto 11 x 17 stock. One one of the scales is 1:25 and the other is scaled to fit the popular 2 inch figures but I'm not sure what scale that works out to be. I'll get thes additional versions uploaded in a few days.

Ron Caudillo
Can I asked about Hako?


I have a "Hako" style bridge available, but it's not complete yet. Each station is a separate modular unit. I still need to design up the main viewer, turbolift (was thinking about having two versions- doors open and doors closed), and the command pedestal. It's a work in progress.

There are Hako figures available of the various crew members designed by other designers.

I'll get whatever I have designed and "eventually" get the whole thing finished. Here are photos of two of the stations.

Ron Caudillo


  • HPIM1357_Hako Engineering and Masume Washingtons Hako.JPG
    HPIM1357_Hako Engineering and Masume Washingtons Hako.JPG
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  • HPIM1402_Hako Library Computer Station and Steve Marshal Hako.jpg
    HPIM1402_Hako Library Computer Station and Steve Marshal Hako.jpg
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At the rate your moving, I can only guess you have fused your Plasma Injectors wide open! :)
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Final build post- The outer skin....that's a wrap!

The building and placement of the stations, turbolift wall, and main viewer directly affect the fit and appearance of the outer skins.

109: I started with part 45 but you can also start with part 43. This is to make the final join where the turbolift bulge joins the station skin and helps to hide the joint. In a future update, I will modify the outer skins to make them a little longer as I had fit issues on this build and was about 3/32" gap I needed to fill. This way, minor fit problems can be fixed easily. When this new update is released, you should start with part number 43, then 44, then finish with 45.

Pre-fold the first skin. At the start, glue the SIDE EDGE of the first skin to the vertical tab at the turbolift/station joint, ensuring that when the skin is wrapped around, it will be straight and even across BOTH the top and bottom.

Once the side join has set for a bit, start across the top on the first section to the first fold, glue in place, ensuring the tops are even and clamp for a bit to set.

110: Then join the bottom of the first section, ensuring the bottom is even and clamp to set. Continue with the next section (up to the fold) starting with the top then finishing with the bottom. On the final section of this first part, join the top, then the vertical side edge, then finish with the bottom.

111: Start the second skin as you did the first one, starting with the vertical side edge. I had some misalignment issues, worked them out the best I could. Continue around working each section (to the next fold). When you get to the main viewer, apply glue to the back of part 35 (main viewer screen that holds the optional screens) and join to the outer skin. Ensure there is a good bond at the bottom of part 35 to the outer skin.

112-116: Ensure you can get something up into the front of part 35, I used a steel rule. Then I tested the screen I had available.

Finish the second skin as you dis the first skin, start the third skin as you did the first two starting with the SIDE EDGE and finish as you did with the previous two skins.

117: I used small cardboard triangles to help reinforce the chair posts that protrude to help them not get knocked out of place- for unknown reasons, everyone I show this model to wants to touch the chairs and they can loosen quite easily if not reinforced. I recommend finding something clear to attach to the top or keep the model in a case.

118: The finished model! Zathros, I printed a special main viewer screen just for this picture!

I'll post the update as soon as I can get to it. I hope this build thread helps you when you decide to build one for yourself. Have fun customizing, greebling, lighting, and any other enhancing you can think of. Post pictures!

Ron Caudillo


  • 109 Start outer wrap glue end then top then bottom.JPG
    109 Start outer wrap glue end then top then bottom.JPG
    43.4 KB · Views: 23
  • 110 Check alignment and continue around.JPG
    110 Check alignment and continue around.JPG
    41.3 KB · Views: 23
  • 111 Join next section side first.JPG
    111 Join next section side first.JPG
    43.8 KB · Views: 24
  • 112 At the main viewer only glue the op and the back of the screen so it is open at the bottom.JPG
    112 At the main viewer only glue the op and the back of the screen so it is open at the bottom.JPG
    43.7 KB · Views: 23
  • 113 Ensure bottom is open.JPG
    113 Ensure bottom is open.JPG
    69.2 KB · Views: 23
  • 114 So that you can insert optional screens.JPG
    114 So that you can insert optional screens.JPG
    41.5 KB · Views: 24
  • 115 Inserting screens.JPG
    115 Inserting screens.JPG
    48.5 KB · Views: 24
  • 116 Screen in place.JPG
    116 Screen in place.JPG
    72.3 KB · Views: 24
  • 117 I reinforced the chairs with small cardboard triangles.JPG
    117 I reinforced the chairs with small cardboard triangles.JPG
    32.8 KB · Views: 23
  • 120 Zathros screen in Main Viewer.JPG
    120 Zathros screen in Main Viewer.JPG
    65.1 KB · Views: 29
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Thanks! The bridge model is 1:50, non-standard I know. I had designed the largest part to fit on either an 8-1/2 x 11 or A4 sheet of paper so that is why it is scaled like that.

I have two additional versions of the bridge that is designed to fit onto 11 x 17 stock. One one of the scales is 1:25 and the other is scaled to fit the popular 2 inch figures but I'm not sure what scale that works out to be. I'll get thes additional versions uploaded in a few days.

Ron Caudillo

You could use @Tirick figurines for the bridge crew.
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This is gorgeous. It looks so perfect and clean. I like the size. Awesome!!! :)
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I eagerly await your re-upload. I'm sure this thread has generated much interest. The links are dead for now, in case anyone tries. ;)
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Will it be vectored, so increasing size, maybe through Photoshop, would be possible?
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Will it be vectored, so increasing size, maybe through Photoshop, would be possible?
I use CorelDraw (which is vector based) to create the pages. Not sure if saving as a PDF retains this. I have always shared the original Corel file to all who request them.

Ron Caudillo
Final build post- The outer skin....that's a wrap!

The building and placement of the stations, turbolift wall, and main viewer directly affect the fit and appearance of the outer skins.

109: I started with part 45 but you can also start with part 43. This is to make the final join where the turbolift bulge joins the station skin and helps to hide the joint. In a future update, I will modify the outer skins to make them a little longer as I had fit issues on this build and was about 3/32" gap I needed to fill. This way, minor fit problems can be fixed easily. When this new update is released, you should start with part number 43, then 44, then finish with 45.

Pre-fold the first skin. At the start, glue the SIDE EDGE of the first skin to the vertical tab at the turbolift/station joint, ensuring that when the skin is wrapped around, it will be straight and even across BOTH the top and bottom.

Once the side join has set for a bit, start across the top on the first section to the first fold, glue in place, ensuring the tops are even and clamp for a bit to set.

110: Then join the bottom of the first section, ensuring the bottom is even and clamp to set. Continue with the next section (up to the fold) starting with the top then finishing with the bottom. On the final section of this first part, join the top, then the vertical side edge, then finish with the bottom.

111: Start the second skin as you did the first one, starting with the vertical side edge. I had some misalignment issues, worked them out the best I could. Continue around working each section (to the next fold). When you get to the main viewer, apply glue to the back of part 35 (main viewer screen that holds the optional screens) and join to the outer skin. Ensure there is a good bond at the bottom of part 35 to the outer skin.

112-116: Ensure you can get something up into the front of part 35, I used a steel rule. Then I tested the screen I had available.

Finish the second skin as you dis the first skin, start the third skin as you did the first two starting with the SIDE EDGE and finish as you did with the previous two skins.

117: I used small cardboard triangles to help reinforce the chair posts that protrude to help them not get knocked out of place- for unknown reasons, everyone I show this model to wants to touch the chairs and they can loosen quite easily if not reinforced. I recommend finding something clear to attach to the top or keep the model in a case.

118: The finished model! Zathros, I printed a special main viewer screen just for this picture!

I'll post the update as soon as I gen get to it. I hope this build thread helps you when you decide to build one for yourself. Have fun customizing, greebling, lighting, and any other enhancing you can think of. Post pictures!

Ron Caudillo

That bridge looks good!
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