This is now a Reckoning: UHU and ZEALOT Bashing by

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The simple answer is "No".

Until Rickstef steps down, and Airdave is kicked out, this thread will stay open. Everything in this thread is from what they have said. I have added some embellishments, but I have the full support of my staff on this. These two individuals always start this, this time, I will finish it when I see fit. They have let loose the dogs of wars with their incessant lies and attacks on our membership. Actually, if you hadn't posted, I was going to wait to see if they had finally stopped. Your misconstruing of what is going on is only due to your not being a member of these forums long enough to have experienced the last incidents.

This has been going on for almost 7 years. We always say nothing, do not respond, and now the time has come to make a stand. When they (The Administration of
) no longer embraces these rants of hatred, then conveniently deletes the threads (they call it "removing from view to calm the masses"), after allowing the hatred to go with the Administrator jumping in along with the rest, giving his approval, when this ceases to happen for many years. Then this thread will still be here. They have just attacked a member of this forum accusing him of threatening their moderator Texman, who regularly spews lies about this forum.

They posted the passwords for UHU02's forum for over a week and were asked to remove them. They did not and Rickstef was fully aware of this. The people who enjoy building this designers models will be rewarded when he finally closes his website because of this. The last time they publicly stated their members could share the models among themselves "as they were free anyways". UHU02 made one post on
blaming their actions for his closing of his forum.

If they had singled me out as a person, I wouldn't have even responded. They often do. I couldn't give a rat's ass. When they attack the forum as a whole, and then single out members and begin attacking them by Private Messages, and on the forum itself, with the Administrator supporting an untenable position of a threat being posted, enough has become enough. You are witnessing Orwellian "Doublespeak" being practiced. Don't drink the Kool-Aid.

Why didn't you post your statement over there when that thread was viewable? Post your statement over there now. Tell them they were wrong for allowing AirDave to post UHU's Passwords. See how long you last there. You can't read the thread in question, because once again, Rickstef has done his famous "Hit and Run" He hit us and waddled away, as he wishes to "calm the masses", which is how he refers to his membership. Post that they should stop attacking UHU02 (remember, it started there, it always does) and leave him alone. Tell them to STOP IT!! PLEASE!!. Just be prepare for the consequences.

You won't face any here for posting your plea. 99.9% of the time, what you have posted would be the sensible route. There comes a time when peoples of good will can no longer and should no longer suffer the slings and arrows from the same vile people over and over, for years on end. This is now a Reckoning. This is a permanent Gargoyle, reminding the Demons and Satan to stay away. We will suffer them no more.

There is a specific agenda by the Administration there. If you would have contacted me by P.M., I would have told you what was going on. Not sure why you didn't? However, since it was my intention to use this thread only as a response to any more actions by
. I will post no more on this particular request.
I have been a member ''over there'' for about 10 years. My first month, texman [the one who posted the apology for his oversite of bitching at everyone about the removal of the thread, all he had to do was look. He had 4 hours to just look and see before posting.] so texman got me an infraction over a stupid dirty joke they wouldn't pull down, and I made a sarcastic joke. so I got a lash that no one will ever know why.
Secondly, being private messaged by mechanic simply just to bitch me out and call me a no talent slob, was persistent and way over the top, as airdave's meltdowns are. To detest someone is human, to try to ruin their reputation as a artist or violate their privacy, as with publishing their passwords, is criminal.
I was TARGETED because I told texman that his post was a blatant lie and to pull it down. Cover ups of policy violations is unacceptable. Persecution of someone who is saying, '' Look, this is just plain wrong.'' is internet bullying and a felony and oppression. I get the same kind of response from them as I get when I tell people who park in handicapped parking spots when they aren't handicapped.
So, NO, this is not to time to drop this, they need to learn to stop this crap, infract airdave everytime one of his 3 day rants about UHU02 or anyone, look at their responses to me resisting their bullying about airdave going after me in a PM.
It's not right to do to artists especially.
Besides, I was 100% right. You don't go after people who did it right, you go after the wrong doers.
Asking to help ''put out fires'', to forget, to accept wrong doing,...never changed the world.
If you were to send Rickstef a P.M., he would close your account. I would advise against this, to be honest, everyone knows that the vast majority of people over there are decent. It's a very small group that causes all the problems. Keep the account, that way you have access to what you can't get over here, like Ruben Andres' excellent Ford Tri-Motor redo (his recoloring and graphics works makes for an outstanding model, it just needs good engines, with massive detail to finish it off). Also, their are excellent builds going on there, much to be learned.

Let's let this thread simmer for a while. I want it only for responses to the inaccuracies and lies told by some there. O.K.?
I think it's a great idea to re-purpose this thread into a simple report on what's going on and who is doing it.
Emotionally spinning out wheels isn't going to help anyone, and will be boxed, turned around and fired back at us.
Just remember to :
1. Point out the wrong doings in your own thread at whatever that thing is.
2. Hang in there refusing to give in, so there is a lot of good evidence of internet bullying going on. They did it once, they will try to do it again.
being Just means sacrificing our vengeful nature to stop bad things.
...being private messaged by mechanic simply just to bitch me out and call me a no talent slob, was persistent and way over the top...

I can only take credit for what I have actually said; I persisted only as long as you replied. I do wish you would stop lumping me in with AirDave. While I wish him no ill will, I have no love for the guy either. I'm not generally a fan of *anyone* who could say something in one sentence and yet uses ten paragraphs to say it anyway.
I'm a huge fan of Uhu's and I'm just grateful he chooses to share.
I think you should follow your own advice, and claiming to be "100% right" about *anything* is an awful example of how to take responsibility.
Actually never mind. Your opinion matters that little to me.
oh yes, I have been very busy this evening. I will not lump you with airdave as you wish. he merely stated to me that I have never been bothered at P, and I brought you up with your criticisms of my talents. I hope that is satisfactory.
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I can only take credit for what I have actually said; I persisted only as long as you replied. I do wish you would stop lumping me in with AirDave. While I wish him no ill will, I have no love for the guy either. I'm not generally a fan of *anyone* who could say something in one sentence and yet uses ten paragraphs to say it anyway.
I'm a huge fan of Uhu's and I'm just grateful he chooses to share.
I think you should follow your own advice, and claiming to be "100% right" about *anything* is an awful example of how to take responsibility.

Geez Mechanic, Thanks for posting, I forgot to kick your foul tempered self out of here. The last time you posted was in 2008. That's why I hadn't caught you. Your irrelevancy was such that not were you only off the radar, you weren't even in the room!! Well 'nuff said.

Bye! :)
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It's clean house time!! ;)
I am locking this thread. Relations have been civil for some time, I would like it to stay that way, there are so many good people there, and some of them are you!! :)
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