New tool

Hmmm, these guys are located in the Scottsdale Airpark, my old stomping grounds. Maybe I can go dumpster diving behind their building one night and see if I can't find us some bargins.:cool: :cool:
The TechnoTrends Newletter that I got the web site from says:
The 25-watt laser can quickly cut through 1/4-inch thick wood while barely discoloring the top surface. On plastics, it moves more slowly so that the beam melts the plastic to leave a smooth, polished edge. An engraving/etching mode will burn the image into the surface of anything from metal to chocolate.
Etched chocolate - hmmmm.

It also indicates that can use inputs from MS Word, Adobe Illustrator and Corel Draw.
I read a review of this some time ago, and in addition to the chocolate - which is a really neat idea - some people had come up with very, very bad ideas.

May favourite - custom engraved disposable lighters. You know, the kind that come with the fuel already in them... Where do they get these ideas?!? :confused:

I wonder how hot the lighter actually gets while being etched? If everything could be adjusted so the lighter got no hotter than when it is used (due to the flame) it shouldn't be a problem, right?
Of course, if you screwed it up, it could be pretty costly - might damage your $10,000 tool/toy.