Moondog Ties??


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Feb 6, 2002
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I am expanding my current 0 guage layout from 5X9 to a U shaped, (100 sq feet). To make it look more realistic I need track ties to place under the Lionel track. All the reference books and magazines recommend Moondog Express in California.
However, I tried the phone number (800) 772-4407, it was disconnected, and there is no Website or anything on the Web search engines.
Does anyone know if they went out of business and if so are there are other companies that have a similar product? I would hate to have to purchasae new track and don't relish the thought of creating my own ties fom balsa wood. Appreciate any input.
Thanks for the info. Please bear with me, but there are two scales, O and something called On3. My tracks are O27, do I need the O or the On3 size? I find all of this technical information a little daunting. I apoligize for the fundamental questions.
Jodie- O scale is a multi-gauge arena. Lionel runs on 3-rail track and can be either O or O27. The difference is that Lionel O track is taller than O27 and O is higher quality than O27. I would assume that O-scale ties would fit under Lionel track. However, the ties may be made for 2-rail O track (non-Lionel). The only way to be sure is email the company and ask, find someone who has done this already, or buy a small amount and try it yourself.

On3 is narrow-gauge O-scale designed to run on HO track. Or is it On30 is HO and On3 is hand-laid only? I don't know and the point is you don't need On3 ties. The On3 ties wouldn't even come close to sticking out of the sides of your track. Leave that stuff to the narrow-minded modelers. (Har!)
Your best bet from a cost standpoint is to find someone [ a friend,relative,work acquaintance etc.] who has a table saw and does some woodworking, to cut you some ties out of dry pine.
They can use the same length, width, and thickness as the metal ties on your track, but making them a little narrower in width looks better. Paint the wood ties black and glue down between the metal ties.
Note to "O27" question: the 27 refers to the DIAMETER of a circle of track sections ,(not the radius as in HO or N scale sectional track).
regards \ Mike Robertson
Thanks Mike. Do you know if there are any pics or aritcles on Neil Young's layout on the web? Seeing as you are a Canadian, I thought you might know. I know that there was a feature done for a '93 issue of "Classis Toy Trains" magazine. But that was before my interest began.
I am a big Neil fan, even saw him in Buffalo once.