Canyon Mtn N-gineers Layout


Oregon Western Lines, CEO
Jan 26, 2001
Canyon City, Oregon, USA
I decided to begin another thread about the Canyon Mtn N-gineers' Layout. Other threads (see below) have talked about certain aspects of the layout, but I think it will be better to have all the updates and pictures in one thread. I also have a website, but it is too difficult to navigate the host site's webspace, to tolerate the annoying pop-ups, and to find the necessary time to complete updates that I think I'll just post new information here... hense this thread.

An old thread showing early work on the layout:

We also took time away from the main layout project to put on the Great Eastern Oregon Train Fair over the Labor Day weekend in 2004.

Now that the work on the Dairy Queen (ONW) layout is largely completed, work resumes on the Canyon Mtn N-gineers' layout in Canyon City, Oregon. Photos of the more recent activities.

This is looking west from the Pendleton, Oregon, section of the layout.


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This is mainly Union Pacific country, but the Burlington Northern does maintain a small depot and switches some industries in Pendleton.


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This is going to be a large grain elevator located just to the west of the Umatilla River and Pendleton. This was pieced together using a Micro Engineering building and a Walther's paper mill building.


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This is going to be the site of Hinkle, Oregon. Hinkle is a large sorting yard on the Union Pacific which utilizes a hump yard.

The hump yard may be a little difficult to model because it requires so much room, but we decided that even if it were to be on a reduced scale we had to do something....


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Here is one of the first trains to be experimented with on the hump. It doesn't work as well as we would like, but it sure looks nice!


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Nice work on the hump yard! I was thinking of doing one on my layout, but I didn't know if it would work or not, keep the pictures coming!:)
Work has started on one of the peninsulas that will support track on both the upper and lower levels. The location for the peninsula was first measured out and drawn on the floor (outline actually painted on the floor). Then the basic shape was cut from pieces of particle board.


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After the peninsula's shape was positioned, the placement for a connecting track between the levels was drawn and then painted prior to cutting using a cookie cutting method.


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The supporting framework for the lower level was assembled on top of the particle board while it was still on the floor and then put in place prior to attaching the legs.


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Here is a different angle of the hump yard at Hinkle. Sorry the pictures are not the greatest, but at least they convey the idea.


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