

Jul 7, 2001
Whitehouse, Tx USA
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Some who write into this forum appear to be quite concerned as to the necessity of being prototypical. I have 5 bridges, and went totaly UNprototypical. No water, and just starting on scenery, but that makes the bridges stand out. The name of the game is FUN, and believe me I know how to play.



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    bridges 2.jpg
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    bridges 3.jpg
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  • bridges 4.jpg
    bridges 4.jpg
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I guess what I strive for is "believable".

BTW, your pictures show that you have a similar approach to layout building as me - if you get bored with one thing work on something else! No reason you can't add a little greenery before the track is ballasted!

I hate to tell you this Lynn, but those bridges look a lot like what we seen around here. We have many dry riverbeds like that, UH, kinda prototypical I'd say.....:eek::eek:

But, on a serious note, We are all creating our own world. It doesn't have to be close to the real world, we should be able to do what we want without someone else pointing fingers and yelling "Non-prototypical". If I want to plop a space ship on my layout, that's prototypical in my world.:thumb::thumb:
Yep, its all about having fun and enjoying the hobby. Some folks get their enjoyment by very accurately modeling the real world with close attention to detail..others have a more impressionistic veiw. Its a matter of individual taste with no right or wrong unless you're entering a contest with expectations of protoype representation. Nice bridges Lynn.
The key is to simulate proto practice. How far one takes it is subjective.

As for bridges, as long as it looks good for your train to pass over, then it's acceptable.

Unless you are modelling a woden trestle or a particular bridge that 'has to look perfect" you are better off with the plastic bridge kits anyways. I haven't found a succeful way to duplicate plate girders better than a cnc made mold (or cheaper method). I'd rather kitbash my bridge.
For me prototypical believability/plausibility goes a long way..I fully believe we are trying to model a slice of the real world we live in and that should stay within the realms of the prototype and Mother Nature as far as believability/plausibility.. :D

Lynn,Your bridges looks good. :thumb: